I have found the grapple hook in QuakeLive! and have applied it with the PQL physics locally in CTF mode. Demonstration of PQL CTF with grapple 4 v 1 on Spider Crossings:
Would this convert you, or bring you out of retirement? I love it personally, but I am diehard QWCTF Physics and Grapple lover :)
I'm a bit rusty after getting my trusty Grapple off the mantelpiece after 14 years but it gets better as time goes on.)
1. No irritating grapple attach noise.
2. The clicking sound when weapon selected is a little annoying, too similar to use item.
3. The hum is slightly too loud.
4. Responsive enough.
5. Can attach to NME's
6. Suggestion, when attached, you should be able to change to a weapon, so you can attach to walls / people and +attack at same time.
7. If 6 is applied, and you can change weapon while still attached, then the dmg of the Grapple is way too high.
8. Grapple dmg overall when attached is too high.
Feels very similar to QWCTF, but with QL weapons. Spider Crossings feels like Spill the Blood to me :)