thanks to neeple for posting this stuff to reddit :)
36650 Hits
It takes money to maintain server network, website, Steam deployment, developers working on game's code and content and so on. This is not charity man - people in RL work for money.
If you say you feel sorry for Sponge&Co but in same post you demand putting "die hard fanbase" over revenue, then you are against those ppl to get paid for work you benefit from :|
It takes money to maintain server network, website, Steam deployment, developers working on game's code and content and so on. This is not charity man - people in RL work for money.
if you're one of these guys who think it's so cool to mess with people online because you are behind your screen, and if you're also one of these people who "defend" this game and got upset about the upcoming changes, then think about it, you silly person, think about how your a**holish behavior affects your beloved game and how it will influence its state when newcomers will try it.
QL's subscriptions had to pay for the salary of 2 people + the rental of SOME should earn something, after all.
isn't it at least ENOUGH to make a small profit out of QL?let's make a rough estimation: