We have also decided to bring back and promote the beloved team aspect of Quake Live with some 4v4 TDM/CTF Cups every second Sunday, in the early evenings. These events will be held bi-weekly with the first event being TDM in EU and CTF in N.A. The first event will be at 11:00 CDT, 14 September 2014 in EU and in NA at 18:00 CDT, 14 September 2014 . We are hoping that some of the players who normally play and stream would be willing to help out and sign a team up and stream these events in EU.
Feedback in regards to these changes is always of course welcomed and we would like to know what you all are thinking. All of our cups will still be played in the Quake Live "Classic" style of play, they are still Bo1 until the Semi-Finals and Final which is Bo3. With all of the major updates that have occurred and are still coming, at this time we are not able to add any new Quake Live accounts to FACEIT Profiles. This is due to changes in the Quake Live API, which our systems are not yet in line with. Hopefully this issue will soon be resolved and very soon new Quake Live accounts can be added to profiles again.
Links: FACEIT.com,

Edited by easytarget at 15:08 CDT, 1 September 2014 - 42358 Hits