Hi there this is ZomBiE, i played Quake 2 CTF for Immortal Coil an Sleepless Psychos from 1998-2001.
I collect Q2ctf demos, i have around 12 gigs worth from the old OGL HPB/LPB ladders an league.
I'm in the process of ripping these demos to video an posting them on youtube @ https://www.youtube.com/user/thepat1ent1
If anyone has any demos from that era of Q2ctf that you would like to see posted drop me a line here, or on the ACME CTF forums here http://www.acmectf.com/forum/index.php?action=forum
PS I lost a big chunk of demos back in 2000, which included a lot of the Elite Strike demo archive. I would give my left nut to get those demos back. If you can help out I'd love to hear from you. Sorry EU players I have no clanbase demos of any kind.
I collect Q2ctf demos, i have around 12 gigs worth from the old OGL HPB/LPB ladders an league.
I'm in the process of ripping these demos to video an posting them on youtube @ https://www.youtube.com/user/thepat1ent1
If anyone has any demos from that era of Q2ctf that you would like to see posted drop me a line here, or on the ACME CTF forums here http://www.acmectf.com/forum/index.php?action=forum
PS I lost a big chunk of demos back in 2000, which included a lot of the Elite Strike demo archive. I would give my left nut to get those demos back. If you can help out I'd love to hear from you. Sorry EU players I have no clanbase demos of any kind.
Edited by ZomBiE519 at 06:02 CDT, 6 August 2014 - 21022 Hits