+ very good recams (good angles and rythm + they feel like they happen at the right times)
+ cool runs and maps
+ weapon models: I like the fact they "reflect" the environment
+ the mood switch with the slow-motion space floating at 5:06 was a really nice touch
- 30 fps: the choppiness of the video fails to convey the smoothness and fluidity of the game
- no proper texture filtering: you can see where the mip levels start and end, it looks terrible in tunnels
- no anti-aliasing: it's clearly visible during the outro
- player shadows: shadows help ground things in (virtual) reality but the Quake 3 shadows are just wrong and make things look worse imho
- weapon models: the high details texture and white grid look out of place (inconsistent with the rest of the art) and the high-frequency detail draws the attention to the wrong thing
- music: I don't hate it or anything (it leaves me... neutral) but it just feels forgettable
- bloom/brightness bits/white flashes: less is more
I feel like most of the negatives are things you can easily overcome in your next endeavour.
The entertainment value was good as far as I'm concerned, so I rated it 8/10.
Why cheat and devmap all the maps? You're using RL on maps who don't even originally have them. Your strafing doesn't match your mouse movement at times, which makes me highly suspicious. Looks like some demos were timescaled. Senior defrag police over and out.
Cool movie, some defaults and editing would have benefit from more (re)work but it's definitely some refreshing contents with a good work on cams, n1!
Cheers Kab'
Also z0rn just rules ^^