They are planning to go for main page ad after 2-3 days on steam. They are checking if everything is working properly and servers and most importantly steam integration is also functioning as intended so far. Thats what sponge said.
Face it dude, the numbers that have been muttered by sponge and co were lies.
There weren't 30,000 people playing this game last year and all the fake nicks you and your buddies are probably making now is not going to make a dent into the truth.
The playerbase is as small as Vedic said it was. For years you guys have tried to point to qlranks as an indicator of the real population of this game, but it was all a smokescreen.
Now that this game is on steam, you can't hide the real numbers anymore.
that's online at the same time, and to be honest I'm quite surprised at some of the titles that it's above.
That still does not at all mean there may not be over 50,000 people who have tried installing the game and may even still play it once a week or month.
No one has never claimed QL had 30,000 people online at the same time.
"But counting how many people logged in each given day, and then averaging that out across the week to smooth out the daily fluctuations will give you a very good sense of how many people are actually playing.":
3k is the average.
keep in mind that the playerbase now consists of about 50% more people (reference to the bootiful post on this site where people are loving the full servers for once) , so the actual population is about half the current one.
Either way, this game does not have 50k as Yakumo is trying to claim. The truth is in the steam stat page.
Your reading skills are lacking. 50k active users can easely result in 2-3K average online. Those online numbers are simply total logged in client amount at a given moment of time.
And honestly current amount of players is not so bad. I expected it to be much less.
oh and no, the common ratio is 1/5, feel free to reference to the article.
"The most interesting quasi-subscriber figure is that surrounding people who just don’t log in very often. At any given time, you can expect the number of unique logins over a month to be drastically lower than the number of subscribers that month — by as much as 20%."
"technology is so cool"
Best part was when after a few hours the queue finally let you in, you missed that moment and was already logged out for inactivity.