10.0 2013-07-11
* fx: impactFlesh scripts 'end' input is the direction of the shooter, if the shooter's position isn't available its length will be 0
* maximum impact marks raised from 256 to 4096
* cg_drawClientItemTimerIcon, cg_drawClientItemTimerIconSize, cg_drawClientItemTimerIconXoffset, cg_drawClientItemTimerIconYoffset, cg_drawClientItemTimerTextColor
* bug fix: reset flag help icon after rewind or fast forward
* bug fix: 1fctf use capture help icon instead of skull
* bug fix: cg_flagStyle 3 didn't take into account cg_freecam_useTeamSettings
* cg_flagStyle 3 can be used with 1fctf and can be colorized with cg_neutralFlagColor
* bug fix: flag icon in score box offset up or down depending on the team that has the flag (match quakelive)
* cg_warmupTime 3 draws only the time without the 'warmup' string
* bug fix: 1fctf CG_SHOW_RED_TEAM_HAS_BLUEFLAG and CG_SHOW_BLUE_TEAM_HAS_REDFLAG swapped to match quakelive
* bug fix: 1fctf don't draw base help icon if flag isn't at base
* bug fix: 1fctf incorrect flag status values
* bug fix: 1fctf flag status didn't reset after fast forwarding / rewinding in demos
* cg_freecam_useTeamSettings 2 (now default) enables pov help icons for the person being followed
* bug fix: only show capture help icon in 1fctf if followed pov has flag
* bug fix: use correct capture help icon colors for 1fctf
* bug fix: possible crash when player models and skins fall back to default values
* bug fix: color escape options for names in frag tokens sometimes ignored
* fx bug fix: emitter scripts could run past their end points
* bug fix: cg_wideScreenScoreBoardHack incorrectly calculating center of screen
* bug fix: possible memory corruption with 'scores' and 'stats' commands
* bug fix: incorrect detection of newer 'scores' commands
* bug fix: alternate map loading used wrong map config
* bug fix: quake3 team vote settings weren't being parsed from server info
* bug fix: possible cgame data corruption after disconnecting or demo ends
* hud: colorized tiered armor colors for cpm game mode
* remove debug console messages about 'CG_Speaker()'
* documentation updates
* hud bug fix: floating point values without leading numbers accepted (ex: .25)
* fx bug fix: floating point values without leading numbers accepted (ex: .25)
* ioquake3 patches (allow r_drawSun, ...)
* fx bug fix: long math calculations could lead to memory corruption or crashing
* fx: performance optimization, cg_fxCompiled to enable/disable just in time compilation of the scripts
* bug fix: mid game switch to pql game type not recognized correctly
* fx: impactFlesh scripts 'end' input is the direction of the shooter, if the shooter's position isn't available its length will be 0
* maximum impact marks raised from 256 to 4096
* cg_drawClientItemTimerIcon, cg_drawClientItemTimerIconSize, cg_drawClientItemTimerIconXoffset, cg_drawClientItemTimerIconYoffset, cg_drawClientItemTimerTextColor
* bug fix: reset flag help icon after rewind or fast forward
* bug fix: 1fctf use capture help icon instead of skull
* bug fix: cg_flagStyle 3 didn't take into account cg_freecam_useTeamSettings
* cg_flagStyle 3 can be used with 1fctf and can be colorized with cg_neutralFlagColor
* bug fix: flag icon in score box offset up or down depending on the team that has the flag (match quakelive)
* cg_warmupTime 3 draws only the time without the 'warmup' string
* bug fix: 1fctf CG_SHOW_RED_TEAM_HAS_BLUEFLAG and CG_SHOW_BLUE_TEAM_HAS_REDFLAG swapped to match quakelive
* bug fix: 1fctf don't draw base help icon if flag isn't at base
* bug fix: 1fctf incorrect flag status values
* bug fix: 1fctf flag status didn't reset after fast forwarding / rewinding in demos
* cg_freecam_useTeamSettings 2 (now default) enables pov help icons for the person being followed
* bug fix: only show capture help icon in 1fctf if followed pov has flag
* bug fix: use correct capture help icon colors for 1fctf
* bug fix: possible crash when player models and skins fall back to default values
* bug fix: color escape options for names in frag tokens sometimes ignored
* fx bug fix: emitter scripts could run past their end points
* bug fix: cg_wideScreenScoreBoardHack incorrectly calculating center of screen
* bug fix: possible memory corruption with 'scores' and 'stats' commands
* bug fix: incorrect detection of newer 'scores' commands
* bug fix: alternate map loading used wrong map config
* bug fix: quake3 team vote settings weren't being parsed from server info
* bug fix: possible cgame data corruption after disconnecting or demo ends
* hud: colorized tiered armor colors for cpm game mode
* remove debug console messages about 'CG_Speaker()'
* documentation updates
* hud bug fix: floating point values without leading numbers accepted (ex: .25)
* fx bug fix: floating point values without leading numbers accepted (ex: .25)
* ioquake3 patches (allow r_drawSun, ...)
* fx bug fix: long math calculations could lead to memory corruption or crashing
* fx: performance optimization, cg_fxCompiled to enable/disable just in time compilation of the scripts
* bug fix: mid game switch to pql game type not recognized correctly
10.1 2013-07-23
* support for new quake live update:
race gametype
hud align option for CG_PLAYER_SCORE, CG_1STPLACE, and CG_2NDPLACE
friend icon hit and death (cg_drawDeadFriendTime)
added cg_racePlayerShader to enable/disable invisible player shaders
* hud: don't draw second player name and score if only one player is in game
* added additional allowed sounds with 'cg_ambientSounds 2'
* removed "jitToken" spam when seeking
* support for new quake live update: team damage and death icons,
* game type autoexec for quake3
* game type autoexec for cpma ntf, 2v2, and hoonymode: (ntf.cfg, 2v2.cfg, hm.cfg)
* bug fix: possible crash with unknown game type
* fx: quake3 support for checking if shooter is valid with impactFlesh scripts
* support for new quake live update:
race gametype
hud align option for CG_PLAYER_SCORE, CG_1STPLACE, and CG_2NDPLACE
friend icon hit and death (cg_drawDeadFriendTime)
added cg_racePlayerShader to enable/disable invisible player shaders
* hud: don't draw second player name and score if only one player is in game
* added additional allowed sounds with 'cg_ambientSounds 2'
* removed "jitToken" spam when seeking
* support for new quake live update: team damage and death icons,
* game type autoexec for quake3
* game type autoexec for cpma ntf, 2v2, and hoonymode: (ntf.cfg, 2v2.cfg, hm.cfg)
* bug fix: possible crash with unknown game type
* fx: quake3 support for checking if shooter is valid with impactFlesh scripts
10.2 2013-08-23
* WCG_KILL_COUNT hud element and /killcountreset command
* cg_demoSmoothing expanded:
1: Look ahead in the demo to see if there are sequential snapshots where
you have some type of velocity in both snapshots but your origin
hasn't changed. That means the server hasn't gotten around to playing
the packets you sent, which will make demo playback jerky. A cyan bar
will be drawn in the lagometer whenever this happens. Applies to demo
pov as well as other players.
2: Smooth demo taker's pov using current and next snapshots (quake3
default behavior is to just use the current snapshot origin and
angles without smoothing).
values higher than 2: Skip this number of snapshots when smoothing. The
higher the value the more robotic and unnatural movement will become.
Position will become more inaccurate and it's possible to clip through
walls and trigger other similar bugs.
* cg_demoSmoothingAngles [0: don't smooth view angles when using cg_demoSmoothing]
* cg_demoSmoothingTeleportCheck [0: always transition player position when using cg_demoSmoothing]
* bug fix: possible crash and memory corruption when looking ahead in demo
* keep demo file in memory to avoid disk usage when rewinding and fast forwarding
* bug fix: last update disabled freezetag frozen teammate icon and flag carrier icons
* cl_maxRewindBackups Number of seek points to divide the demo into. The higher, the more response fast forwarding and rewinding becomes. Note that each backup point will require about 1.7MB . The default is 12.
* ioquake3 fixes
* WCG_KILL_COUNT hud element and /killcountreset command
* cg_demoSmoothing expanded:
1: Look ahead in the demo to see if there are sequential snapshots where
you have some type of velocity in both snapshots but your origin
hasn't changed. That means the server hasn't gotten around to playing
the packets you sent, which will make demo playback jerky. A cyan bar
will be drawn in the lagometer whenever this happens. Applies to demo
pov as well as other players.
2: Smooth demo taker's pov using current and next snapshots (quake3
default behavior is to just use the current snapshot origin and
angles without smoothing).
values higher than 2: Skip this number of snapshots when smoothing. The
higher the value the more robotic and unnatural movement will become.
Position will become more inaccurate and it's possible to clip through
walls and trigger other similar bugs.
* cg_demoSmoothingAngles [0: don't smooth view angles when using cg_demoSmoothing]
* cg_demoSmoothingTeleportCheck [0: always transition player position when using cg_demoSmoothing]
* bug fix: possible crash and memory corruption when looking ahead in demo
* keep demo file in memory to avoid disk usage when rewinding and fast forwarding
* bug fix: last update disabled freezetag frozen teammate icon and flag carrier icons
* cl_maxRewindBackups Number of seek points to divide the demo into. The higher, the more response fast forwarding and rewinding becomes. Note that each backup point will require about 1.7MB . The default is 12.
* ioquake3 fixes
10.3 2013-11-16
* documentation note about q3mme fx incompatibility introduced in the last couple of releases:
In wolfcam scripting for an emitted entity stops once it has been added, so 'impact', 'distance', and 'interval' scripts need to come before 'sprite', 'model', and other rendering directives.
see README-wolfcam.txt for more information
sample q3mme.fx changed to match that (2 changes to the gibbed scripts)
* cg_drawHitFriendTime (same as quake live)
* cl_keepDemoFileInMemory to enable or disable completely loading the demo at the start of demo playback (1 (default) for performance improvements while rewinding and fastforwading, 0 for demos that aren't completely saved yet)
* 'clear' option for /clientoverride can also be followed by 'red', 'blue', 'enemy', 'mates', 'us', 'all', or a client number. The default is 'all'.
* removed console spamming with /clientoverride
* hud scripting bug fix: wrong precedence order for and/or (& |)
* fx bug fix: wrong precedence order for and/or (& |)
* bug fix: cg_deadBodyColor works with models set with /clientoverride
* bug fix: /clientoverride takes into account the new quakelive team games
* bug fix: possible incorrect client number for crosshair entity
* ioquake3 fixes (ex: black connect screen with nvidia driver for Windows and Linux, ...)
* documentation note about q3mme fx incompatibility introduced in the last couple of releases:
In wolfcam scripting for an emitted entity stops once it has been added, so 'impact', 'distance', and 'interval' scripts need to come before 'sprite', 'model', and other rendering directives.
see README-wolfcam.txt for more information
sample q3mme.fx changed to match that (2 changes to the gibbed scripts)
* cg_drawHitFriendTime (same as quake live)
* cl_keepDemoFileInMemory to enable or disable completely loading the demo at the start of demo playback (1 (default) for performance improvements while rewinding and fastforwading, 0 for demos that aren't completely saved yet)
* 'clear' option for /clientoverride can also be followed by 'red', 'blue', 'enemy', 'mates', 'us', 'all', or a client number. The default is 'all'.
* removed console spamming with /clientoverride
* hud scripting bug fix: wrong precedence order for and/or (& |)
* fx bug fix: wrong precedence order for and/or (& |)
* bug fix: cg_deadBodyColor works with models set with /clientoverride
* bug fix: /clientoverride takes into account the new quakelive team games
* bug fix: possible incorrect client number for crosshair entity
* ioquake3 fixes (ex: black connect screen with nvidia driver for Windows and Linux, ...)
Edited by brugal at 07:08 CST, 16 November 2013 - 200792 Hits