Hello to all the Quake lovers out there, both the old school players and the new people just starting out on this totally awesome game called Quake.

I have been watching Zlive on twitch for a while now and have seen players asking&talking about getting more Quake live at lan events. So i started talking about having a Quake Live community get together at insomnia lan event and i have people all ready wanting to go, But i would love to get even more players interested in going and making it a much bigger event so multiplay would i hope support a much bigger tournament for players.

I have all ready been talking to someone at multiplay about getting something going for Quake Live. So far the feed back from them is positive and they have said about doing something for quake. The more people that are up for turning up and playing the better so if you would like to go then reply here or mail me at qllanevent@yahoo.co.uk and lets start getting quake back at lan events and having fun.

I also have an open teamspeak 3 server for anyone wishing to use it. Quake live channels are in there setup and ready to go so feel free to use it if you wish.


That is the ip.