true, but giving ppl option to posts links in a word or ez pasting for movies and pictures... so you do not have to post and then edit to include a pictures
... take your database and its users and datamine QLranks database and get matching names, those who have same name will be seen on esr ql ladder, those who wont will have some motivation to maybe do so. ... duel, ca, tdm ladder?
,... or maybe to simplfy things just make a ladder of games played for starters.
The lack of everything quake related is because that depends on the users, us. It's not up to the admins. We should be writing articles, columns, guides, uploading demos and whatnot, like in the good old days, but we aren't.
I think there's three reasons for that:
1) Is there anything to write about, really? Competitive quake is practically dead, there's no new game around the corner and we old farts already know the intricacies of the old games.
The only topics might be the #234234 exact same online cup we'll forget about in two months, promoting personal projects, maybe some fragmovie (still all inferior to the Q3 ones) and the #234902340234092348 attempt of promoting quake clones. That's 95% of what was frontpaged in recent years.
In the past there were more interviews, events coverage, analysis even; the kind of stuff that gets bumped in years' time because it's memorable and related to the very game. A big part of that content was related to LANs, because on site events are what make any activity become alive.
2) Some useful users already left, or are inactive. If you take a look at the front paged threads, there's only maybe 3, 5 users that keep on contributing memorable stuff. Due to that, when one becomes inactive the impact is huge, like memento mori for instance. Heck even Jamerio is kind of inactive these days and the site is now quite more boring than what it used to be.
3) As I wrote somewhere here, the community focus is not playing quake anymore. That wasn't the case before, in which everyone played, played well and 'pros' talked here too. No gifs, just frags and getting better at it.
Lets take for example. If the the focus was quake itself then there would be actual quake talk, but currently the focus is wasting time on chat and making e-friends, so today no one talks about quake.
i was talking more technology wize on site, like the way we're posting; what do i have to do, to post texted link or omg heaven forbit a PICTURE! or VIDEO!!! ...typing code i never remember [.youtube=ošghsošig] always helps, but yes more content would be satisfying indeed.