Scheduled: 08:30 CDT, 28 September 2014 to 13:00 CDT, 28 September 2014
Schedule: Passed

ZOWIE is back for part 2 of the Quake Live Sunday cup series, organised by Z Live. Last weekend saw a very impressive performance from Belarus Cyber, taking down Belarus Cypher and then Russia Ash. Soon after he came to his demise vs Russia Evil in the grand final. This Sunday the story continues with another $100 on the line. Check out the useful links below to either signup to the cup or watch the action live!

Stream: United Kingdom Zlive, Russia deliberatemurder
Links:, camera deliberatemurder, camera Zlive, Facebook zowiegear
Notable Signups: Poland Av3k - Russia Cooller - Belarus Cypher - Russia Evil - Russia Ash - Russia Pavel - Belarus Clawz - Spain p0ni - Sweden Spart1e