Hi guys, I want to announce the upcoming 3v3 Clan Arena International Tournament in Quake1 (Quakeworld). This is the 3rd season of this prestige league and the best thing about it is that you get to play against teams from South America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina), North American Teams (USA/Canada) and of course from Europe. Why Quakeworld? Well, while it is true that the community in Quakeworld diminishes every year by a few players, there is still a decent size community that supports the game and leagues. Also, this tournament is clan arena, so if you are new to Quake and don't want to get pummeled every time you spawn, this might be a good way to learn the ropes and maybe venture into Deathmatch later on. In Clan Arena you start off with full armor and health (200armor,100health) and you start with all the weapons. Your team has to go out and kill the other team and when you do, you win that round, best of 9 wins the series, you play 4 series in total. Also the great thing about Quakeworld as compared to other games, is that when you play internationally ping is tolerable because modern servers now have antilag, which means that you can use lightning gun and boomstick as if you had low ping and this makes matches possible against teams/players that have higher ping. Also, the game is easy to download, all you have to do is go to
www.nquake.com and download/install and that is it, nothing more, everything else you need is included. Our tournament consists of 6 maps. A2 (Atlantis), DM2, DM3, q1edge (quake2 map), q3dm6qw (Campgrounds-Quake3/Qlive Map), and q1_q3dm13 (Lost World-Quake3/Quakelive Map). We also are planning to have the map from quakelive called Almost Lost in there, just polishing up some spawn bugs. If you are interested, stop by irc at quakenet.org and join #qwca
Also visit the official tournament page at
and you can email me for any extra information at
Registration is underway, and we will begin to have games probably in a week.