With QLRANKSTV gone what's left for watching quake is basically fazz and that's only a certain time of the day.
The rest of the time the stream box is basically empty for watching QL (atm its no livestreams found) so you have to find people off of twitch if anybody ever watches smaller streamers like me etc.
QLRANKSTV would be good to get back though because that way people can look at people who actually are good at the game when they can't play themselves. BRING IT BACK
sirax does not have the time lately to fix the streambot and the bot is not able to work the whole day without maintenance.
He said the stream will be back, but he does not mentioned any time.
In the other thread there was mentioned that he was moving to another city and therefore does not have time to fix the streambot. Cause of the fact that this should not take longer than one week, I guess it is probably the longest relocaiton ever or it was just a wrong statement. Internetz is lying sometimes ...! :)
My statement was not wrong, it was directly from sirax.
Some people have other things to do than fixing a streambot. It is called work and reallife. Maybe you don't know these kind of things, but they exist!
Reallife? srsly brah? You mean the donations he has received arent real? stfu. I find the downtimes of qlranks.tv ridiculous. Its been off a lot in the last year. I would prefer him to admit he cant maintain it/get it working reliable and shut it off, than this on/off states and sirax suxers like you.
fKm, you have some contact with sirax, as i see? Ask him pls one more time, can we (ql community) to do something for help him to fix qlrankstv? maybe question is only in money? it would be easiest problem, i think...
so, qlrankstv still is not working? So sad. Can we do something for fix this?
It was so cool tbh, just spec random high/good skilled matches at public...
I miss QLranks joining my games, then have the viewers complaining through !say that they want to watch someone else play, then /kickbanning the bot, only for it to reconnect a minute later.