Edited by nemecel at 10:32 CST, 17 November 2014 - 44182 Hits
1. Calling something a success just because it didn't turn out quite-as-shitty-as-you-thought-it-would as opposed to calling something a success because it's successful is stupid.
Asshole eSports organisations dropping QL because Valve Cockroach Simulator and Riot Cockroach Simulator: Retard Edition is all they need so they murder deathmatch FPS?IS OKE I LOVE THIS GAME LET'S PLAY ON
Top-level metagame being reached in summer 2013, thus ending in every tournament final after that being CYPHER VS EVIL?IS OKE I LOVE THIS GAME LET'S PLAY ON
Stagnating and declining competition and playerbase on any gametyype and on any continentIS OKE I LOVE THIS GAME LET'S PLAY ON
Developers being either incompetent or hand-tied by their Bethesda paymasters?IS OKE I LOVE THIS GAME LET'S PLAY ON
Zenimax pretty much being the manifestation of Corporate soul-lessness to the point you think Reagan or Thatcher's soul has escaped Hell and posessed the board of directors?IS OKE I LOVE THIS GAME LET'S PLAY ON
All the key orgainsation members that made id what it is being chased out by pitchforks by the beaureaucratic assholes in Legal?IS OKE I LOVE THIS GAME LET'S PLAY ON
Only regular event streamer developing diva brain because he chased all other streamers out of town so he can be a cunt all he wants and people still watch cos no alternative?IS OKE I LOVE THIS GAME LET'S PLAY ON
Hideouts for your Loadouts, Loudouts for Hideouts till all the rage builds up and makes you scream the fuck out?IS OKE I LOVE THIS GAME LET'S PLAY ON
"Team Combat"? Universal ammo? HMG on lolCA (they should add BFG as well, thus officially ensuring QL becomes the new e-)? Proemium?IS OKE I LOVE THIS GAME LET'S PLAY ON
They change announcer from old voice of stronk men like Stalin to voice of homosexualOH MY GOD THAT MAEKS GAME UNBERABLE AM RAGE SO HARD THAT I GO PRETEND TO STOP PLAP BY MAKE THREAD ABOUT IT(((
Only regular event streamer developing diva brain because he chased all other streamers out of town so he can be a cunt all he wants and people still watch cos no alternative?