Hi, i want to try playing quake with two mices. Can i assign different keys to different mices for e.g. on the left mice the right button will output "mouse1" but on the right mouse the right button will output the number "1"?
5813 Hits
// Intercept All Mouse Buttons
mouse.SwallowButtons = true
// Assign the weird things
mouse.LeftButton = mouse1.RightButton
Key.One = mouse2.RightButton
// Assign the normal actions to the rest of the buttons
mouse.LeftButton = mouse1.LeftButton
mouse.MiddleButton = mouse1.MiddleButton
mouse.XButton1 = mouse1.XButton1
mouse.XButton2 = mouse1.XButton2
mouse.LeftButton = mouse2.LeftButton
mouse.MiddleButton = mouse2.MiddleButton
mouse.XButton1 = mouse2.XButton1
mouse.XButton2 = mouse2.XButton2
// Intercept All Mouse Buttons
mouse.SwallowButtons = true
// Assign the weird things
mouse.LeftButton = mouse2.RightButton
Key.One = mouse3.RightButton
// Assign the normal actions to the rest of the buttons
mouse.LeftButton = mouse2.LeftButton
mouse.MiddleButton = mouse2.MiddleButton
mouse.XButton1 = mouse2.XButton1
mouse.XButton2 = mouse2.XButton2
mouse.LeftButton = mouse3.LeftButton
mouse.MiddleButton = mouse3.MiddleButton
mouse.XButton1 = mouse3.XButton1
mouse.XButton2 = mouse3.XButton2