Meh, pros aren't perfect. From what I last heard, Cypher still thinks yay0 isn't agent. And he only learned about grabbing the top of a jumppad to stop you being tossed in the air, like.. last year.
It's not a stupid idea. If you are out of control, you can place weapons around the map to make it easier for you off the spawn, especially when you know your going to die. I imagine on campgrounds, a rg being hid at the bottom of pillars would be helpful.
during some practice game. if i remember right some guy had joined queue in front of the guy cypher was sparring with and "requested a game with cypher" or something like that, and that was his response
I think it was Av3k talking about Cooller, who said that he possessed the key to beat Evil, and Av3k commented it with sth like "maybe he has keys to his BMW". But it could have been Cypher, I don't know :D
i remember a ztn game against strenx where he raped and strenx wrote "where's the skill?" in chat. he spawnkilled him with a nade-rail combo from the mega spawn and responded with "right here"
stuck with me for some reason
In q3 days Cypher said that to Jibo in ASUS Spring 2009 Online event, after losing to him. Then in same event(in LAN), Cypher was owned by Jibo again. :)