The VOD for January's cup has been uploaded to

You can view either the Full (Un-Cut) Broadcast or select Individual Matches. Enjoy.

I am actively looking for people who want to cast the North American Duel Cups. I have been fortunate enough to have players like Rey & Davis help out when they can. Unfortunately they are regular players in the events so they are not always going to be available, and I need some help. I don't care if you're a 3000 elo dueler or if you have never casted before. That said you should meet the following criteria...

#1) You WANT to cast quake! This sounds redundant but I cannot stress this one enough. You should be excited to do this! If you're offering to cast simply to help then I urge you to reconsider before continuing. Please have a strong desire to cast quake! Thank you.
#2) You can read, write, and speak English fluently and are not afraid to do so for an audience. This may be the North American Duel Cup but I don't care where you or your accent are from.
#3) Have a decent microphone. No distortion or feedback. I don't care if its a $10 P.O.S. if you come through clearly.
#4) Be passionate! Similar to the first requirement but more of a personality thing. You don't need to be smiles and rainbows 24/7 or anything crazy, but no one wants to hear someone who obviously doesn't care about what they are doing.

Interested? Let me know!

QuakeLive Account: flair

TLDR: I need help with casting. If you are fluent in English, love quake, and have a strong desire to cast I'd like to hear from you.