Site summary for week ending 16 Jan
(No comments)

Most downloaded demos:
Zanzan -vs- Kidz (179 downloads)
Most read threads:
125FPS Season#22 Pro-League (7055 hits)
banned for criticizing support (4652 hits)
Your mouse,dpi,hz,mousepad,sens 2015 (4444 hits)
FPSPulse Launch Event powered by Ninox (4103 hits)
Cypher the CSGO pro? (3399 hits)
Most commented threads:
Your mouse,dpi,hz,mousepad,sens 2015 (175 comments) by He4rTL3sS
banned for criticizing support (120 comments) by chubbz
FPSPulse Launch Event powered by Ninox (107 comments) by
125FPS Season#22 Pro-League (97 comments) by Nico_QD
XD (89 comments) by He4rTL3sS
Most Popular Users:
Teen Queen (98% popular)
quake is potat (96% popular)
ProT (95% popular)
sonic (93% popular)
nYmPhets (92% popular)
Most Popular Threads:
FPSPulse Launch Event powered by Ninox (72% popular) by
125FPS Season#22 Pro-League (57% popular) by Nico_QD
QLReddit Duel Tourney #2 (45% popular) by CrazyAl
DOS games playable in browser released (39% popular) by Teen Queen
Xonotic 0.8 Released (30% popular) by adem
Most Popular Comments:
Re: Cypher the CSGO pro? (78% popular) by ProT
Re: 125FPS Season#22 Pro-League (64% popular) by Rufus
Re: 125FPS Season#22 Pro-League (63% popular) by battleforged
Re: Cypher the CSGO pro? (49% popular) by Gobotz
Re: banned from (45% popular) by stpbozin
Popularity Climbers:
ProT (48 +'s)
Teen Queen (39 +'s)
sonic (34 +'s)
quake is potat (31 +'s) (30 +'s)
Betting leader:
T1E (E$1,217)
sofiene (E$938)
Lam (E$825)
douille (E$812)
Rikoll (E$808)
Highest Climbers:
Janitor III (E$1,430 won this week)
Lam (E$1,172 won this week)
zubich (E$1,081 won this week)
kK_Storm (E$625 won this week)
harosh (E$366 won this week)
Biggest single bets:
E$1,430 won by Janitor III (HOQ - D1CKS vs b1ngo)
E$1,172 won by Lam (HOQ - #REKT vs brainWashed)
E$1,081 won by zubich (HOQ - D1CKS vs b1ngo)
E$625 won by kK_Storm (HOQ - #REKT vs brainWashed)
E$366 won by harosh (HOQ - #REKT vs brainWashed)
Most lost:
E$772 lost by lithz
E$765 lost by hauer
E$500 lost by kYzeR
E$500 lost by [eXodus]
E$500 lost by G4rlock
Edited by Teen Queen at 05:17 CST, 19 January 2015 - 6521 Hits