next wave of prototypes will fix the dogshit mouse feet, add mechanical side buttons, add logo
the white one uses a different material for the base and it's MUCH lighter. no scale on hand, but the black and red feel ~ 5g heavier than the sensei raw while the white one is in the weight realm of the salmosa, incredibly light
in the hand, it's as large as the sensei but skinnier; it's dimensionally similar to the wmo but large like the sensei, i honestly love it
red and white have glossy tops; black has a ruberized top
red and black have a thick plastic side, white has a ruberized side
expect kickstarter in march/april, will see if manufacturer can lighten the other colors. will probably stick to white/black as options.
EDIT: Kickstarter will probably happen in may, gonna be a significant delay for revision 2 because of chinese new year
comparison pics w/ sensei raw by request : http://imgur.com/a/TKxjr
Edited by phaZon at 21:53 CST, 8 February 2015 - 30912 Hits