This is the same QLDT you used to use and love, now with support for new Quake Live demo format (dm_90), playback in the standalone QL (including Steam version) and better integration of WolfcamQL, along with other long awaited fixes.
For those who have never used it before - QLDT is a program allowing quick navigation and playback of QL demos from your collection, complete with features to search for frag streaks, specific frags or things said in chat. With just a few mouse clicks, you can cut short snippets from your demos.
Direct download: Windows installer
Edited by xou at 09:34 CST, 20 January 2015 - 50146 Hits
- If you had used QLDT in the past (before standalone QL), please navigate to the Settings and click Defaults. This will detect current path of QL in your system.
- If you have WolfcamQL installed, just pick the location of your wolfcam*.exe as the "Other" player. You can also make it the default for viewing demos/edit preview or having it as an option under right mouse button context menu.
- "Find frags" searches for frags scored by the demo recorder (usually: your own frags in your own demos). If you record a demo while spectating someone else, their frags aren't meant to be found by this command.
- dm_73 demos will force running the "Other" demo player (usually WolfcamQL) on all operations (playing demo, watching found frags, watching edit previews). It's possible to convert them to dm_90 but it doesn't seem useful enough to implement.
- Editing dm_73 demos works, but produces dm_73 demos as well (again, playable with WolfcamQL but not QL itself).
- QLDT will automatically run QL and WolfcamQL in windowed mode with in_nograb 1. QLDT will automatically add setting of "in_nograb 0" to your QL's autoexec.cfg, creating one if necessary.
Let me know if you have any other questions or problems.