Scheduled: 19:00 CST, 15 February 2015 to 21:00 CST, 15 February 2015
Schedule: Passed

QuakeLive players will be happy to hear that United States of America Ackshun is bringing back the Silent Gamers Organization. There are plans to host CTF and Duel events for North America, and rumors of TDM for Europe! The first event of 2015 will be a three day double elimination CTF Tournament. Check in for registered teams will be one hour before the tournament in the irc channel #silentgamers. If you do not have an irc client you can use your browser to open the web client. Please make sure you check in so we can start the first round of matches at 19:00 CST, 13 February 2015 and if you have any questions send them to

Stream: camera FlairTV
Links: Website, #silentgamers