Posted by crunkus @ 03:38 CDT, 14 September 2014 - iMsg
I go to from time to time and download random maps to try out. What are some niche q3 maps that you liked but most people probably haven't played?
Edited by crunkus at 04:27 CDT, 14 September 2014 - 26927 Hits
The heyday of Q3A passed me up while I messed around in singleplayer or on LAN with my family. I didn't even go online much because we had NetZero for years.
...seeing these maps makes me regret never having memories of the "good ole days".
Not that anyone here cares about that, but... damn. Online Q3A must have been a blast.
dmeat_sp02 - Lo Sota Olt, another one. He has two maps, I assume the other is simply dmeat_sp01. There are a few more on my hard-drive, but they're mixed in with the ~2500 other pk3s, and I don't want to sift through them.
This map is really nice though. It's not as nice as moteof, but very similar. Not necessarily in aesthetic, but in quality and style of gameplay. It's a bit like a younger/worse moteof. It even ends with a, "to be continued" message I think.
Edited by KittenIgnition at 23:44 CDT, 14 September 2014
I played this map not long ago, and it was indeed a nice map. But as you said it did end with a "to be contined" message not even long in the map. Kinda bothered me, but a finnished version of a map like this should be really cool.
On a sidenote, the edge of forever did also end with an unplayable chapter. Anyway map is great.
If you like Q3 single-player maps, why not try some single-player mods? :D
One that I played recently is called Dark Conjunction (or The Dark Conjunction). It's really, really well made. It has all of its own assets, and it does some really impressive things with the Q3 engine that I've never seen before. It's a great mod, and the maps are technically playable in baseq3, but none of the entities are there (obviously). I highly recommend trying it out. It's not too long, maybe an hour or two, which is basically the length of Portal, and everyone loved the shit out of that game.
If you do decide to play it, try and conserve your ammo. The last boss will fuck your shit up if you spray like mad and don't have enough ammo for him.
Why would you unzip it? :S
I should still have mine in my baseq3 folder, if you really need it I can upload it somewhere. But I don't think it will make any difference if you can't access yours. Probably protected if that's the case.
I don't know if it's well known or not (I think it is), but I played a lot of dangercity. Love that map! I remember playing a bunch of others as well, but I can't recall their names.
Whaaat? Other people actually played hide and seek in Q3? :D
My friends and I used to play hide and seek quite often, before stuff happened and nobody told me. Now I don't speak to them, but we played a hell of a lot of hide and seek on Pillcity, and a bunch of random UrT maps. We always ended up going back to Pillcity in the end though, as not many UrT maps are left unclipped and open for exploration, but they're the only maps with real detail and environments.
Does anyone remember a remade map of pro-q3tourney4 that had grenades and LG? It was a shitty map but I'd like to replay it. Anyone know the name of the map? It's at lvlworld.