I personally started playing shooters back in 1996 and won a couple of small Doom 2 LAN tournaments in Russia and England. After that I played netQuake and became the Quake 2 TDM and duel champion of Russia in 1998 and 1999. Regarding Quake 3: Since 2000 ‘till 2005, I won TDM tourneys with teams like 4z, c58, forZe and the Russian National Team (Barrysworld Europian Championship in 2000 and Clanbase Nations cup in 2002). I gave esports up for almost seven years and came back in the beginning of 2012 with creating Quake Live team deliberate murder (102). Deliberate murder won a Hell of a lot of TDM tourneys online and on LAN’s, 102 members won and took prize places on Dreamhacks and QuakeCons. I am now very excited to join PHGP to stream and support Reflex! - Alex "Cooke" Kurikh
Hi, I'm L-2, and I live in Russia, I love sport and animals. I joined the Russain ProMode Community in 2010 with dream to be a champion of the game. I trained hard and played in every tournament. In 2013 I started to become a top CPM player and one of the leaders of the community. In 2015 I join REFLEX and today the PHGP team. Reflex is cool game and phgp are cool guys. I'm so happy about this. - Lunokhod
To provide l-2 and russia a place to practice we have launched a new phgp server which is stationed in Russia. Here are the details: "www.PHGP.tv Russia - PlayHardGoPro! -"
Link to newspost over at phgp.tv - http://phgp.tv/news/welcome-lunokhod-2-and-team-102/
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