in game, under advanced settings, there is a tab for weapon settings or something like that. there you can set crosshair style and size for every weapon. for style write cg_crosshairstyle x (x= number) and for size cg_crosshairsize x
May I ask why you have the same enemy model, accel value and so forth on every line? That only needs to be in your config once. Also doesn't texturemode require a vid_restart to take effect?
The values are currently the same, but i have often switched those values per weapons in the past, and tend to do so from time to time thus I keep the option open. An example of this is for a long time I used keel as an enemy model for some weapons, and tankjr as one for others.
texturemode does not require vid_restart to take effect.
Maybe at some point he had r_texturemode gl_nearest for RL or something, but wanted normal textures for every other weapon. You should probably remove that if you are a normal person.
I used to use r_texturemode GL_NEAREST for rockets, and GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST for everything else. GL_NEAREST for rockets, on higher picmip is nice for depth perception because the floors appear more tiled instead of smooth thus giving you more things to gauge how deep to throw rockets at someone.