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I hate these flawed analogies people use whenever their point gets challenged in any way.That shit is just fucking retarded. Where did I make a point which he then challenged which made me write that "flawed analogy"? WHERE?
Nowhere in the article does the author answer the main point people in ESR and other deathmatch fps communities crave. They want the games to play to the genre’s STRENGTHS. Not keep chipping away at it’s weaknesses which are irrelevant for the people who have an urge for deathmatch games. If the games have a niche at all, it won’t be filled by a game from a different genre.
I suppose arguing against the idiots and defeating everyone else via straw man is easier though. Sure, those that want an exact replica of Quake 3 are wrong. You got that right.
Oh wait, Dota 2 is the second largest game out there, perfectly identical to Dota. Oops. I suppose you have no point at all. At least good clickbait in the article name.
ESR is actually just 3 players from each country, all circlejerking about their personal favorite games
ESR does not create or drive demand
the users are being given significant influence and respect by new developers
When they pull a /v/ and say “this game is objectively inferior to Quake because I can feel how low the skill ceiling is”, they’re actually saying “this game doesn’t feel exactly like Quake and I’ve lost my ability to develop metagame on my own"
This, precisely, is why developers need to disregard ESR’s collective thoughts on new arena shooters completely
Disregard ESR’s response unless they have advice that’s specific and technical.
It betrays an intense insecurity about their own skills and intelligence
They’re cheap bastards, and even if they decide to try one of these new games, they’ll probably get frustrated with it and go back to their freeware anyway.