In asia... yes, Counter strike is very popular. Thousands of players !!
Regarding quake ... maybe 40 registered players at max ... check qlranks. Remember to exclude player tagged asian (japan...) but playing european or american servers. It means they are not in asia.
Japan server are closed.
Just remained two servers
1) Korea, with at best, one 6 vs 6 CA and one duel running
2) Singapore with, at best, one 5 vs 5 CA or one duel
evening only ! other timing, servers are just empty.
I moved from europe to asia for work. I played 6 months in asia then, I just stopped quake because fewer and fewer players were playing.
there also are many ping issues as I posted previously.
And, as I also said : Can a game be a top game without a solid asian popularity ? Asian players are a really strong asset. They play a lot. Have strong community. They spend a lot on e-gaming.To not get them is a strange strategy.
I was wondering the same thing. Huge market, talented players, etc.
I think that Quake could be popular over there because of the strategy and skill involved. I just think the timing was probably off. If, as someone posted above, they are still having bad lag problems, then I can't imagine that quake 3 was at all playable in the late 90'2 early 00's.
And then now of course, there is no money in the game.
My guess is that they are in to fantasy games instead of pretending-to-kill-other-people war games like CS and COD. But they are missing out on the Quake franchise probably overlooking it because of timing issue and money issues.
Quake is a well balanced game that kind of gets out of the way and pits skill vs skill, talent vs talent, balls vs balls, strat vs strat etc. It could be popular anywhere people are competitive.