Schedule: Passed
Autumn has started and it's time for another Moscow Quake LAN Party. Last editions #20 & #21 had an unusual draft tournament system where mixed teams competed in team formats. This time Moscow Quake LAN Party is back to it's roots featuring QL Duel and QL CA 3x3 as a second team mode. Almost the same format happened a year ago at LAN Party #19 and gathered almost all top players from Russia. Event will happen in the same place as the last few times: The CyberSport Laboratory in Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism.
Due to the absence of sponsors currently there's no prize money(players only pay 7$ entrance fee for PC rent), so the tournament is open for donations. This should help to build some prize money for the competition and to attract/motivate more players/teams to sign up!

Links: Official coverage page by Danmer
Edited by h8m3 at 21:01 CDT, 27 September 2015 - 47565 Hits