Highest rated demos:
memphis -vs- gaiia (6.1 rating)
Most downloaded demos:
memphis -vs- gaiia (2 downloads)
Most read threads:
when i decided to recall what is 125fps (5297 hits)
HoQ TDM Fall 2015 Prizes - Updated (4057 hits)
strenx the greatest? (2273 hits)
125 FPS Sunday Cup#15 (1901 hits)
Quake Gamer in Japan burns down house (1763 hits)
Most commented threads:
HoQ TDM Fall 2015 Prizes - Updated (149 comments) by xou
when i decided to recall what is 125fps (92 comments) by BASE
Southamerican Pro Duel Cup final day (49 comments) by gSTRUCTOR
strenx the greatest? (48 comments) by Selhouette333
Press 1 if you want me back (44 comments) by ZhuMusic
Most Popular Users:
BASE (95% popular)
xou (92% popular)
Teen Queen (90% popular)
quake is potat (90% popular)
Nico_QD (89% popular)
Most Popular Threads:
when i decided to recall what is 125fps (100% popular) by BASE
HoQ TDM Fall 2015 Prizes - Updated (78% popular) by xou
125 FPS Sunday Cup#15 (31% popular) by Nico_QD
Southamerican Pro Duel Cup final day (22% popular) by gSTRUCTOR
Somebody in Sweden had a bad day(MollyB) (14% popular) by mattered_
Most Popular Comments:
Re: Looking for Movie-/Video creater (58% popular) by wrekt
Re: 125 FPS Sunday Cup #14 (57% popular) by h8m3
Re: HoQ TDM Fall 2015 Prizes (43% popular) by brescia
Re: when i decided to recall what is 125 (40% popular) by fnx-za
Re: when i decided to recall what is 125 (38% popular) by quake is potat
Popularity Climbers:
BASE (124 +'s)
xou (32 +'s)
h8m3 (21 +'s)
un4x (21 +'s)
quake is potat (21 +'s)
06 Oct: Efficiency.. by cityy
2265 Hits