Having a few days off and apparently the weather will be bad so no bikey-bikey on the twisties, figured I could fire up some old NES titles and show the world how incredibly bad I am at them.

Decided to go with Contra first, played a few runs yesterday - managed to get to the end with one continue, trying to improve it to ~1-2 deaths altogether in a single run, no save states (except starting point, for practice purposes), no turbo button, no trickery, plain simple uninterrupted run.

I think I can bump the quality up a bit without making it lag, so I'll probably tinker around with settings and do a few practice runs then it's serious time, yo.

What I'm planing to play next:

Metroid, no trickery again, no save states, pure run but probably split into two parts (or more, depending on time) - First stage, grabbing essential powerups, taking out Ridley in the first part.

Second part should be taking down Kraid and Motherbrain.

Megaman, maybe split it into two parts again, I'm really bad with the ending boss and I could use a savestate.

Then I'm probably going to search for some odd/unknown/stupid/forgotten games, will be great to hear some recommendations from NES experts since I'm completely unfamiliar with the console and its games.

I'll be playing NES games, hop in and insult me and my inadequacy. If not, oh well, it's still fun to dig through the dust.

twitch Anhedonique