The fourth installation, titled simply "Doom" will be published by Bethesda Softworks, renown for their Elder Scrolls series, revitalizing the Fallout franchise and most of the later id software releases, from Doom 3 all the way to Rage and Wolfenstein: New Order. Take a peak behind the curtains and see what's stock for the new installation of Doom.
A few snippets:
PCPP: We played the multiplayer yesterday, a few rounds in the course of an hour. For me it felt a lot like Quake.
Marty Stratton: I’ve heard that.
PCPP: Is that by design?
Marty Stratton: We went into this saying, Doom is fast. Movement is the most important thing in the game. Movement and guns, certainly from a multiplayer perspective, and then I’ve said demons is another key ingredient, and we’ve brought that into the multiplayer, as well. So it was this meshing of principles, I guess, as much as anything that really happened to work well over the course of single-player and multiplayer.
PCPP: Just to clarify, there is regenerative health?
Marty Stratton: No regenerative health.
Doom will be available Spring 2016 on XBOX ONE, PS4 and PC. Full interview can be read on PC PowerPlay official website. Don't forget, you are the demons.
Links: Interview on PCPP, Doom closed alpha, Doom Bethstore
Edited by Badb0y at 05:31 CDT, 22 October 2015 - 33558 Hits