Event: HoQ Fall 2015

After the big Quake Live update, the rules have changed a bit. All the players are now required to enter their Steam ID on the HoQ website, you can read more about it.
Also, 3 matches from the 2nd round are still to be played. We encourage all the players to join the HoQ Steam Group for better communication!
All the results of the other Round2 matches are available. Also we have some VODs and spec demos.
The news will be updated if the teams are rescheduling. We really urge the teams to reschedule as soon as possible when needed, and contact the admins about it.
Update: You can now use the HoQ gametype factories on your dedicated servers (workshop.txt) for the proper settings.
Streams: Flair TV, fazz,

Links: Schedule, Rules, Prize money, Sponsored by ZOWIE

Edited by xou at 12:18 CST, 3 November 2015 - 8294 Hits
t. Overwatch