As with every release, we welcome constructive feedback on every aspect of the game. For more details, make sure to see the full changelog. See you in the game!
- Tutorial level was added to introduce new players to the basics of Warsow gameplay, movement and combat.
- Majority of Warsow assets are now under Creative Commons Attribution -- ShareAlike 4.0 license. Setting the assets free ensures Warsow does not get stuck in proprietary limbo and will remain an important piece of indie gaming in the future too. Players and developers alike are encouraged to innovate with free assets, and contribute more media back to the game. Or just simply use them in their own games if they comfort the license.
- Many graphical effects such as gibs, hit and stun indicators, Lasergun and Electrobolt beams, were revamped. In addition, the renderer has received numerous optimizations, resulting in 30-50% performance improvements depending on the hardware and settings.
- The spawn algorithm was revamped to favor more distant points in Duel mode. The further from the fragger is the spawn point, the more likely it gets to be picked for the fragged player is to respawn.
- Weapon parameters were tweaked to improve game balance and hopefully make it more fun to play.
- The flipped mode was introduced for those who might want to challenge themselves by tricking their brains on otherwise familiar maps!
- Game maps can now have a color grading profile set to create better mood or improve the aesthetics. The setting can be controlled by map author and can be turned off in the options menu. Here is how the effect is used in one of our maps, which also received an uplifted 3D sky in this version!
- Two new HUDs by Adem for playing and spectating. The weapon and item icons were redrawn in a modern flat design to provide better visibility for the simple items setting.
- Pressing and holding Left Shift in Team Deathmatch, Bomb & Defuse, Capture the Flag and CTF: Tactics game modes now brings up contextual voicecomm menu to aid in cooperative gameplay.
+ Switched to Creative Commons license for media assets.
+ Added full out-of-the-box gamepad support (XInput on Windows, SDL on Linux and OS X).
+ The engine automatically lowers the frame rate to 24 FPS and enables sleep state when the game is minimized.
+ Multi-threading improvements for the following; fixed race conditions, reduced latency and the amount of context switches.
+ .pk3 files explicitly named as "pure" are now preferred to different .pk3 files.
+ Restricted downloads of binary modules and "pure" content to official Warsow web mirror.
+ Greatly reduced memory footprint for fonts (especially for CJK).
+ Pressing Escape key during the map load or connection set-up will now cancel the process much quicker.
+ New high resolution "flat" icon.
+ Maximum refresh rate now defaults to 250 fps.
+ It is now possible to pause demo playback at the end of a demo file, instead of dropping to main menu (see "demo" command help).
+ Added "flipped view" mode, set "cl_flip" to "1" to enable.
+ Use HTTPS for secure authentication to matchmaker.
+ 30% to 50% overall performance improvement.
+ Greatly reduced VRAM footprint for textures.
+ Added support for texture arrays, used for lightmaps.
+ Added KTX texture format support.
+ Enabled binary cache for GLSL programs to speed up startup time by default now.
+ Enabled multi-threading to speed up map loading by default now.
+ Curved meshes are now optimized to remove excessive polygons.
+ Changed rendering order so that the sky is now rendered after world geometry to minimize overdraw.
+ Fixed infinite far clipping plane calculations.
+ The renderer now queries the operating system for available screen resolutions.
+ Shadowmaps now account for normals of geometry they are cast on, making them less prone to be visible through walls and ceilings.
+ Added "stencilTest" shader keyword.
+ Added per map colour correction support. Toggle-able with cg_colorCorrection 0/1, maps can define colorCorrection <file path> key in worldspawn to use color correction profile.
- Removed "vid_mode", "vid_customwidth" and "vid_customheight" console variables in favour of "vid_width" and "vid_height" for video modesetting.
- Dropped support for "noDepthTest" shader keyword.
- Dropped "r_colorbits" console variable (used to set desktop colour depth).
+ New Tutorial game mode.
+ Added 3 new awards:
++ First Frag (awarded to the first fragger);
++ Fair Play (say "gg" to your opponents during the post-match using the chat or the vsay);
++ Man of the Match (You must score the most + achieve the ""Fair Play" award). -See above-.
+ Added sounds for Lasergun, Electrobolt and Instagun impacts.
+ New spawn points selection algorithm: returns the furthest point to which there's less than 4 points on the map; otherwise it returns to a random one, excluding the closest 3 points.
+ Ammo packs dropped on a players deaths, now actually contain strong ammo.
+ The movement style now defaults to "old movement", set "cg_movementStyle" to "1" for "new movement".
+ Incorporated a number of movement fixes from Racesow.
+ Ranked servers will now announce a players profile name at warsow.net alongside the nickname of the players entrance to the server.
+ On ranked servers, the "players" command now also prints login names for authenticated players.
+ After joining a server, the game menu is now opened automatically.
+ On ranked servers, certain votes now require players to be authenticated.
+ Votes now ignore AFK players.
+ In round-based game modes, in-active players are not removed until the beginning of the next round.
+ Added bot navigation files for wda5 and wbomb6.
+ Player movement prediction now works properly when riding a moving platform.
+ New RL/GL trail effect, cg_rocketTrail & cg_grenaderTrail merged into cg_projectileTrail.
+ Bots will now ignore chatting players.
+ Reduced respawn sound volume by 35%.
+ Added new callvote options "shuffle" and "rebalance".
+ Decreased weapon respawn timer to 10 in Duel.
+ In bomb, players can now move at crouch speed during the pre-round; upped maximum running speed to 320ups.
- Removed 'Team Domination' game mode.
+ New "illuminati" gibs.
+ New Instagun & Electrobolt decals.
+ New "simple items" sprites.
+ New teleportationspawn effect.
+ New EB beam texture for cg_ebbeam_old 1.
+ New default EB beam effect.
+ New Lasergun beam, added hit model for LG endpoint.
+ New bullet hit decal and model.
+ Improved rocket launcher projectile texture.
+ Added gloss textures for BigVic and Bobot player models.
+ Added cg_viewBob, viewport smoothing/bobbing to falling/high jumps.
+ Bomb model colour follows the planted state dynamic light color (red when planted, orange normally).
+ Disabling gun "bobbing" now also disables fire and idle gun animations.
+ New damage hit effect (cg_showBloodTrail).
+ Reduced Rocket Launcher pick-up ammo count to 5.
+ Reduced Lasergun and Plasmagun pick-up ammo count to 50.
+ Increased Lasergun and Plasmagun ammo box count to 100.
+ Increased Electrobolt ammo box count to 10.
+ Removed custom gravity and friction from Grenade Launcher projectiles.
+ Unified knockback of Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher to 100.
+ Unified minimum knockback of Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher to 35.
+ Unified splash radius of Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher to 125.
+ Changed Gunblade full recharge and reload time to 600ms.
+ Changed Gunblade projectile damage, splash radius and knockback to 40, 70 and 90 respectively, self-damage ratio increased to 100%.
+ Increased Gunblade melee damage to 50 and decreased reload time to 600ms.
+ New Riotgun spread pattern based on Fibonacci/sunflower spirals.
+ Increased per-pellet knockback for Riotgun to 7 (140 on 100% hit), spread reduced.
+ Increased Rocket launcher reload, damage and projectile speed to 950ms, 80 and 1150ups respectively.
+ Increased Grenade launcher reload, damage and self-damage ratio to 800ms, 80 and 100% respectively.
+ Increased DPS for Lasergun to 140, knockback increased to 14.
+ Increased Machinegun bullet damage to 10, reload time increased to 100ms, spread removed.
+ Increased knock-back for Electrobolt to 80.
+ Increased Plasmagun speed and knockback to 2500ups and 20 respetively.
+ New Tutorial map.
+ Improved wdm6.
+ Improved wdm1 item layout.
+ Added colour correction profiles for wdm5, wbomb6, wbomb1.
- Removed wdm3.
- Removed wca2.
+ "target_print" entities can now provide overlay help messages/hints to players (use the the "helpmessage" key in Radiant/map editor of choice).
+ Added support for "target_kill" and "target_teleporter" entities from Quake3.
+ Use "gravity" attribute on the "worlspawn" object to set map gravity.
+ Added 9 new localizations: Belarusian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.
+ Maps can now be localized individually (drop .po files into l10n/maps/<mapname>).
+ Centre-printed messages and map locations are now localizable.
+ Added "s_globalfocus" option: when enabled the game will continue to play its sound and music even if the user switches to another application.
+ It is now possible to use .ogv video files as background music tracks.
+ Fixed support for remote .ogg music tracks/streams.
+ Reduced default sound mixer delay from 200ms to 140ms (snd_qf).
+ The background music is now not interrupted at demojumps.
+ Added current time to the HUD in the race mode.
+ Added text animation for game awards.
+ All HUD elements are now resolution-independent.
+ Optimized rendering of scoreboard strings.
+ Scripting: it's now possible to pass a non-constant math expression to setFontSize.
+ New spec HUD, added adem HUD.
+ Added voicecomm menu for Team Deathmatch, Bomb, CTF and CTF: Tactics game modes (bound to Left Shift by default).
+ Revamped title screen, this incorporates a players profile and stats from warsow.net.
+ Added an option for server browser to open a dialogue with suggested game servers after the search is complete.
+ Added quit confirmation dialogue.
+ Added descriptions for game modes.
+ Added pre-load option, enabled by default (set "ui_preload" to "0" to disable).
+ Added several new configurable options.
+ Added confirmation dialogue for "Move to TV" command.
- Removed IRC chat tab.
+ The built-in HTTP server now runs in a separate thread.
+ Optimized file transfers from the built-in HTTP server.
+ Matchmaker HTTP authentication now respects sv_ip.
+ Fixed an issue with the automatic chase-cam, which occasionally goes rampant in round-based game modes.
+ Enabled TCP connections support.
+ Switched over to SDL2 for video initialization and input.
NOTE: versions prior to SDL2 suffer from doubled mouse sensitivity. This is expected to be fixed in SDL 2.0.4.
+ ALT+Tab works now.
+ Keyboard input doesn't steal the whole system focus.
+ The game now respects system keyboard layout.
+ Switched over to dynamic linking for support libraries.
+ The window can be minimized when the game is running in windowed mode.
+ ALT+F4 works again.
+ The UI now respects system DPI settings.
+ Added support for Japanese and Korean input to the chat.
+ Added NetRadiant and Q3Map2 with KTX texture format support, older versions won't load the textures properly.
+ Added .map files and models for all stock maps.
+ Added source files for textures and models.
+ Switched to cmake as the unified build system for C/C++ code.
+ Added Dockerfiles for cross-compilation.
+ Added debian meta-package to install all engine dependencies.
+ Updated to AngelScript 2.29.2.
Downloads: Windows Installer, Linux+Windows, OS X, SDK, Torrent
Links: Warsow.gg,

Edited by adem at 11:07 CST, 4 December 2015 - 26809 Hits