Event: HoQ Fall 2015
Last Monday, the HoQ TDM Fall 2015 league saw its final match played! The time has now come to release the rankings for the three divisions.But first, all the VODs should be available on Plus Forward (please point out if there are missing ones). Also, just a few spec demos are on ESReality. We hope some players will come forward and upload some more demos.
Now, the rankings!
Also, thanks the donations from the community and the sponsorship by ZOWIE, here is the prizes distribution:
Div1 1st - Incoming Murderes - 355 EUR + 4 ZOWIE ZA 12 miceThank you all for donating, watching, streaming and playing. See you next season!
Div1 2nd - Deliberate Murder - 260 EUR + 4 ZOWIE G-TFX mousepads
Div1 3rd - REKT - 170 EUR + 4 ZOWIE Camade mouse bungees
Div2 1st - dioxide - 170 EUR
Div2 2nd - last pick - 125 EUR
Div2 3rd - WORLDSTAR - 80 EUR
Div3 1st - Hateful Eight - 55 EUR
Links: Results, Prize money, Sponsored by ZOWIE
Contacts: #HoQLeagues, Steam Group
Edited by xou at 11:30 CST, 10 December 2015 - 18639 Hits