Gametype: Duel
Map: qzdm13 - Lost World
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: thund3rbolt
How to play back QL demos
Match where i beated madball.Wery close game with 2x overtime!the damage could be same if my lg accuracy would be better.Item control is like the same!in the end i managed to kill him and lucky i survived with 2hp left and then got both 25hp bubbles!In this match i didnt felt like kinda scared.I tryed to play my game!
Map: qzdm13 - Lost World
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: thund3rbolt
How to play back QL demos
>> 107470-BrozThund3Rbolt(POV)-vs-Madball-lostw.dm_91 <<
(2236KB, 256 DLs)
(2236KB, 256 DLs)
Match where i beated madball.Wery close game with 2x overtime!the damage could be same if my lg accuracy would be better.Item control is like the same!in the end i managed to kill him and lucky i survived with 2hp left and then got both 25hp bubbles!In this match i didnt felt like kinda scared.I tryed to play my game!
Edited by thund3rbolt at 05:53 CST, 9 January 2016 - 10831 Hits