Most read threads:
chasing dragons (4157 hits)
Thorin's Thoughts - Fatal1ty Redeemed (3614 hits)
Esports interviews series #3 - Strenx (2840 hits)
Quake Live North American Duel Cup #12 (2058 hits)
Most commented threads:
chasing dragons (119 comments) by h8m3
Thorin's Thoughts - Fatal1ty Redeemed (112 comments) by Thorin
EAST VS WEST EUROPE ICTF | LINEUP (56 comments) by Tonks
Esports interviews series #3 - Strenx (45 comments) by dem0n
SS(s) of your config january 2016 (29 comments) by He4rTL3sS
Most Popular Users:
quake is potat (95% popular)
Meph1stoo (94% popular)
sonic (92% popular)
dem0n (90% popular)
flair (89% popular)
Most Popular Threads:
chasing dragons (84% popular) by h8m3
Esports interviews series #3 - Strenx (61% popular) by dem0n
Quake Live North American Duel Cup #12 (51% popular) by flair
Thorin's Thoughts - Fatal1ty Redeemed (42% popular) by Thorin
privetik (34% popular) by pecka_
Most Popular Comments:
Re: About the last 125fps Cup DDoS (60% popular) by hanslolo
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Re: Question about a possible fake pro (48% popular) by Anonymous
Re: chasing dragons (46% popular) by Lam
Re: Thorin's Thoughts - Fatal1ty Redeeme (38% popular) by Shipoopi
Popularity Climbers:
quake is potat (62 +'s)
Meph1stoo (53 +'s)
h8m3 (44 +'s)
Anonymous (35 +'s)
sonic (34 +'s)
Betting leader:
fazz (E$96,251)
omek (E$54,904)
Airman (E$52,948)
Lamur (E$15,000)
Kost1k (E$11,831)
Highest Climbers:
lithz (E$16,267 won this week)
fazz (E$13,454 won this week)
well oiled (E$6,060 won this week)
hghg (E$1,776 won this week)
vanqu1sh (E$1,241 won this week)
Biggest single bets:
E$8,237 won by lithz ([CS:GO] Astralis vs ALTERNATE aTTaX)
E$8,030 won by lithz ([CS:GO] Team EnVyUs vs Vexed Gaming)
E$6,773 won by fazz ([CS:GO] Astralis vs ALTERNATE aTTaX)
E$6,680 won by fazz ([CS:GO] Team EnVyUs vs Vexed Gaming)
E$6,404 won by Lamur ([CS:GO] mousesports vs Space Soldiers)
Most lost:
E$3,202 lost by Lamur
E$1,294 lost by stpbozin
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26 Jan: Esports interviews series #3 - Strenx by dem0n
2416 Hits