Tied:FlipSid3, Odds: 76% (1.3:1)
Bets placed: E$7288, betting open: 18:08 CST 31 Jan 2016 to 13:15 CST 1 Feb 2016

Tied:E-frag.net, Odds: 23% (4.3:1)
Bets placed: E$10, betting open: 18:08 CST 31 Jan 2016 to 13:15 CST 1 Feb 2016

Counter Pit League Season 2

Group Stage - Group B - BO2

Ukraine FlipSid3 Tactics vs. E-frag.net Bulgaria

The match will be played on February 1, 2016 at 20:30 CET.


EDIT: The match was played on the 17th Feb and it was a draw. Since no 'draw' option was available when the bet was opened I'm refunding. Source
