So I recently read about inceasing the USB Polling Rate on Windows 7 64bit and therefore plugged in my old ORIGINAL IntelliMouse (no China fakeshit) to give it a try.
Before going through the overclocking tutorial I first wanted to test the accuracy of my cursor (never had problems with it back in the days), opened up Paint and thats when I noticed the cursor doing strange movements on its own when I moved the mouse fast. There are no problems in the cursor's accuracy when I move the mouse slowly from one end to another (and yes, I deactivated mouse acceleration both in the Mouse options and in the registry files).
But maybe I'm absolutely unversed in this field and this issue is completely normal with a mouse this old on Win7, especially at 125Hz.
Afterwards, I went through the 125Hz to 500Hz tutorial ( step by step, but it just won't work for me - and I already repeated this tutorial a lot of times, making sure I don't do anything wrong, however it just stays at 125Hz (to make sure the mouse isn't broken, I tried it on 2 original Intelli mice already).
So maybe someone who also had a hard time changing his Polling Rate knows a fix to this issue?
Before going through the overclocking tutorial I first wanted to test the accuracy of my cursor (never had problems with it back in the days), opened up Paint and thats when I noticed the cursor doing strange movements on its own when I moved the mouse fast. There are no problems in the cursor's accuracy when I move the mouse slowly from one end to another (and yes, I deactivated mouse acceleration both in the Mouse options and in the registry files).
But maybe I'm absolutely unversed in this field and this issue is completely normal with a mouse this old on Win7, especially at 125Hz.
Afterwards, I went through the 125Hz to 500Hz tutorial ( step by step, but it just won't work for me - and I already repeated this tutorial a lot of times, making sure I don't do anything wrong, however it just stays at 125Hz (to make sure the mouse isn't broken, I tried it on 2 original Intelli mice already).
So maybe someone who also had a hard time changing his Polling Rate knows a fix to this issue?
3186 Hits
1. Download Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider (attached below as dseo13b.exe).
2. Download HIDUSBF (attached below as
3. Run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider and choose Enable Test Mode.
4. Extract HIDUSBF to some folder, right click on HIDUSBF.inf and choose Install.
5. Run Setup.exe from HIDUSBF’s folder, check the Filter on Device box and select your desired sample rate.
6. Run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider again, choose Sign a System file and insert full path to the installed HIDUSBF.sys file (For example: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HIDUSBF.sys).
7. Restart your computer and enjoy.
8. Verify by using Mouse Rate or DirectInput Mouse Rate (attached below as mouserate.exe and dimr.exe)
9. If you would like to remove the test mode watermark, run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider and choose Watermark removal.