2gd did what every high profile want to. To be feared. To be the one to talk about.

The Shanghai major was an excellent opportunity. The entire gaming world is watching and he made everything "wrong". He is the outcast. The one in gaming, they hire if they want drama.

Well played and well deserved.

We know him as the 2gd. Funny, silly, stupid. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jQvTyvVX_ys

But he is smart, saw the opportunity, and when it came,
he saw it and didnt settle for seconds.

He Went out in the first 30secs and flamed an entire Continent, i refuse to believe that this, quaker haven't pracced his map, and didnt know about the customs.

He was well aware judging by his face: https://youtu.be/5TCnO9XX3OY?t=89

He knew how to make it into the limelight
And he sure did...

And I for once, as an ESRr like to see one of ours,

make it.