Edited by Teen Queen at 13:27 CST, 9 March 2016 - 58923 Hits
Changing direction in the air while moving at 1000ups on tiny all-hear maps is just not appealing to most people
And even if it is about he "comfort zone", who really cares.
You cant force people to like something, you can only make em hate it with showing it down their throat.
But let's be honest, reflex is much closer to vQL than games like overwatch or CS:GO, but still nowadays most quake players are playing either overwatch or CS:GO...
2. Im sick of quake and quake like games, or im sick of small community and playing same players over and over again in quake -> I go play reflex
I wasnt talking about pros. I just stated the 2 most common reasons why people quit playing quake.
Reflex is meant to target new audience, not ql players
ok, quakelive is rather dead, i'm sick of playing a game that hasn't the playerbase of CS or CoD, i'm sick of playing the same game for so many years and not getting rewarded for it.
So fuck it, if i have to play a "dead" game, i'll go play something really hardcore with pretty GFX, new engine, new maps etc...
Yeah so, let's try reflex, I heard it's pretty good.
Then i tried it, and liked it instantly. Tbh i don't even care if it's "dead", i enjoy the engine, the GFX, the smoothness and the fast-pace of the game. I also like the movements possibilities a lot, and the weapons just feel right. And at least it's fairly new compared to quake, and it's still quake in its core-gameplay.
And let's support the devs and buy the game, hopefully it will get better and better with each new update.
So fuck it, at least i can say to myself "I'm a true fanatic, i play an hardcore game for hardcore players, and most importantly i enjoy doing it" :D