Tickets/seats can be booked right now.
Email: For any questions about the lan.
- UK Quake Lan
- 22ND - 24TH July 2016
- Brownhills Activity Centre, Walsall, North Birmingham
- Sign in time Friday 16:00pm onwards.
- Sign out time Sunday - 19:00pm sign out time Sunday.
Cost of the Tournament tickets: £40.
Cost of the casual tickets: £25.
Includes: Indoor sleeping and Kitchen.
All on site hardware has been booked so this is now a strictly BYOC (Bring your own computer) event for 18+. There is no bar so you will have to bring your own drinks into the Venue.
A UT4/Quakelive focused event with a few other games being played on the side (UT99, UT2004, Reflex, Maybe Shootmania). This will be a great chance to get someut4 and quake players together of all skill levels, as most other lans seem to be dominated by other games.
We have enough room for a good 50 players. You will need to bring something to sleep on like an airbed or camp bed etc. There will be a Duel tournaments for all who attend to take part in.
Quake Live Duel:
Prize pool break down.
Prize pool will scale upwards with entries.
Maps= Cure,Sin,Aerowalk,Lost World, ZTN, Battleforge, Toxicity
UT4 Duel:
Prize pool break down.
Prize pool will scale upwards with entries.
Lan schedule
Friday: warm up and practice and start tournaments
Saturday: Duel tournaments continued and finals
Sunday: Relax and sober up ready for drive home.
Tickets/seats can be booked right now.
Email: For any questions about the lan.
- UK Quake Lan
- 22ND - 24TH July 2016
- Brownhills Activity Centre, Walsall, North Birmingham
- Sign in time Friday 16:00pm onwards.
- Sign out time Sunday - 19:00pm sign out time Sunday.
Cost of the Tournament tickets: £40.
Cost of the casual tickets: £25.
Includes: Indoor sleeping and Kitchen.
All on site hardware has been booked so this is now a strictly BYOC (Bring your own computer) event for 18+. There is no bar so you will have to bring your own drinks into the Venue.
A UT4/Quakelive focused event with a few other games being played on the side (UT99, UT2004, Reflex, Maybe Shootmania). This will be a great chance to get someut4 and quake players together of all skill levels, as most other lans seem to be dominated by other games.
We have enough room for a good 50 players. You will need to bring something to sleep on like an airbed or camp bed etc. There will be a Duel tournaments for all who attend to take part in.
Quake Live Duel:
Prize pool break down.
Prize pool will scale upwards with entries.
Maps= Cure,Sin,Aerowalk,Lost World, ZTN, Battleforge, Toxicity
UT4 Duel:
Prize pool break down.
Prize pool will scale upwards with entries.
Lan schedule
Friday: warm up and practice and start tournaments
Saturday: Duel tournaments continued and finals
Sunday: Relax and sober up ready for drive home.
Edited by LordSoth79 at 10:22 CDT, 3 April 2016 - 5969 Hits