11.0 2016-03-15
* hud: quake3 single player gametype is cg_gametype 16
* bug fix: quake3 single player demos would show hud elements from quake live 'race' gametype
* bug fix: incorrect player shown in cpma duel scoreboard
* bug fix: additional quake live weapons registered even if protocol didn't support them
* default quake live linux and mac os x directory is checked with wine versions (either steam or standalone). Ex: $HOME/.wine/drive_c/users/$USER/Application Data/id Software/quakelive
* cl_demoFileCheckSystem check for demo file in the local file system as well as wolfcam and quake live directories. (0: no check, 1: check local directory before wolfcam or quakelive directories, 2: (default) check if not found in wolfcam or quake live directories)
ex: wolfcamql.exe +set cl_demoFileCheckSystem 1 +demo c:tmpdem6.dm_90
* bug fix: map items incorrectly registered
* bug fix: cgame map entity checking accepts string values for "not_gametype" like quake live
* bug fix: /devmap and /map entity parsing accept string values for "not_gametype"
* bug fix: /devmap and /map entity parsing accept "duel" gametype as well as "tournament"
* bug fix: demo protocol wasn't being checked before the first demo packet was handled
* bug fix: cgame map entity parsing accepts "duel" as gametype as well as "tournament". This could result in invalid items being used for item timers.
* bug fix: application would exit if baseq3 packs weren't installed and a demo or map is loaded
* bug fix: crash if r_singleShader is set and quakelive paks aren't installed
* bug fix: player name sprite wasn't created if glyph height was greater than 64
* hud bug fix: CG_SHOW_IF_SG_FIRED missing
* bug fix: spectators could show up as players in the scoreboard
* bug fix: some shaders were not uploaded with power of two dimensions
* bug fix: possible texture corruption (invalid texture numbers could be used)
* demo type automatically detected (new ql protocol 90, older ql 73, and quake 3), no need to use 'protocol' command line option
* bug fix: player names sprites created before correct fonts were loaded
* bug fix: crash creating player name sprites if font is invalid
* bug fix: crash if font image data was bigger than 256x256
* bug fix: invalid value for apos.gravity in dm 73 entityState
* bug fix: incorrect parsing of spawn variables in cgame if there was only one gametype listed in the map
* bug fix: spawn variables accept 'tdm' as team deathmatch name as well as 'team'
* fx: player[legs|torso|head] copy current axis values to script variables which can be uses with 'axismodel'
* fx bug fix: player[legs|torso|head]/trail was sharing interval and position data with player weapon flash and impacts
* fx: 'animFrame' variable added to control model animations, player/[legs|torso|head]/trail automatically set this from current player animation
* fx bug fix: incorrect parsing of variables in 'command'
* fx bug fix: memory corruption if 'command' string was longer than 64 bytes
* bug fix: crash if surface entity reference invalid (seen with overload map)
* support for quake live update Aug 27, 2014
- You have to use the latest quakelive pak*.pk3 files. This update changed the ordering/number of the menu definitions so using older quake live paks is going to lead to random items being drawn in the hud.
- This update also removed some menu ownerdraws. These can still be used and are still defined in ui/wcmenudef.h
- new protocol 90
- Heavy machine gun fx scripts: weapon/hmg/*
- Heavy machine gun auto vstr: cg_weaponHeavyMachineGun
- Heavy maching gun additional hud ownerdraws: WCG_WEAPON_HAVE_HEAVY_MACHINEGUN and WCG_WEAPON_AMMO_HEAVY_MACHINEGUN
- ql widescreen hud
Enabled with 'cg_wideScreen 5' which is now the default value.
Widescreen cvars for hud elements not controlled through menus: cg_drawSpeedWideScreen, cg_drawJumpSpeedWideScreen, cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimeWideScreen, cg_drawFollowingWideScreen, cg_drawAttackerWideScreen, cg_drawSnapshotWideScreen, cg_drawFPSWideScreen.integer, cg_drawClientItemTimerWideScreen, cg_drawOriginWideScreen, cg_drawItemPickupsWideScreen, cg_drawRewardsWideScreen, cg_lagometerWideScreen, cg_drawCenterPrintWideScreen, cg_drawFragMessageWideScreen, cg_drawCrosshairNamesWideScreen, cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthWideScreen, cg_drawVoteWideScreen, cg_drawTeamVoteWideScreen, cg_scoreBoardOldWideScreen, cg_drawFollowingWideScreen, cg_drawAmmoWarningWideScreen, cg_drawProxWarningWideScreen, cg_drawWaitingForPlayersWideScreen, cg_accWideScreen, cg_drawDominationPointStatusWideScreen, cg_weaponBarWideScreen, cg_drawWarmupStringWideScreen, cg_echoPopupWideScreen
- damage indicators (cg_damagePlum, cg_damagePlumColorStyle, cg_damagePlumTarget, cg_damagePlumTime, cg_damagePlumBounce, cg_damagePlumGravity, cg_damagePlumRandomVelocity, cg_damagePlumFont, cg_damagePlumFontStyle, cg_damagePlumPointSize, cg_damagePlumScale, cg_damagePlumColor, cg_damagePlumAlpha)
- freezetag scoreboard change
- score command changes
- in-world timers for major items (cg_itemTimers, cg_itemTimersScale, cg_itemTimersOffset, cg_itemTimersAlpha)
- powerup respawn poi 10 seconds before powerup respawns (cg_drawPowerupRespawn, cg_drawPowerupRespawnScale, cg_drawPowerupRespawnOffset, cg_drawPowerupRespawnAlpha)
- powerup available ingame icons (cg_drawPowerupAvailable, cg_drawPowerupAvailableScale, cg_drawPowerupAvailableOffset, cg_drawPowerupAvailableAlpha, cg_drawPowerupAvailableFadeStart, cg_drawPowerupAvailableFadeEnd)
- flagstand help icons in ctf
- quad sound limited with rapid fire weapons: mg, hmg, pg, cg. (cg_quadSoundRate)
- fix broken shader image when crosshair was a multiple of 30
* support for quakelive update Sep 11, 2014
- new announcer
- combo kill award (fx script is player/medalComboKill)
- mid air award (fx script is player/medalMidAir)
- revenge award (fx script is player/medalRevenge)
- first frag award (fx script is player/medalFirstFrag)
- rampage award (fx script is player/medalRampage)
- infected vo when you are turned
- 'Go!' vo on Race countdown
- 'Bite!' vo on Infected countdown
- your/enemy team scores vo replaces red/blue scores unless you are a spectator
- removed red/blue scores and rank change (lead taken / lead loss) from Attack & Defend, because these events only occur at the time of other VO playing (flag taken, round over, etc)
* support for quake live update December 2, 2014
- overtime indicator on the HUD
- perforated award (fx script is player/medalPerforated)
- stacked obituaries in hud: maximum number to show controlled with cg_obituaryStack
- win/loss music at intermission: controlled with cg_winLossMusic
* support for quake live update April 21, 2015
- scoreboard column changes
- changed blood shaders (view damage, trail, spurt, mark)
- map keys
- accuracy award (fx script is player/medalAccuracy)
- headshot award (fx script is player/medalHeadshot)
- perfect award (fx script is player/medalPerfect)
- quad god award (fx script is player/medalQuadGod)
- alternative announcer voices: selectable with cg_audioAnnouncer 1, 2, 3 (1: Vadrigar (Classic), 2: Daemia (Female), 3: new announcer)
- battlesuit vo
- s_killbeepVolume
* bug fix: cgame information screen uses widescreen settings
* bug fix: cgame loading screen would draw player icons past the screen dimensions
* bug fix: text shadowing didn't take into account text scaling value
* ioquake3 fixes
* bug fix: remove cull option from advertisement shaders to prevent blocking depth hacked sprites
* cg_debugAds to help locate advertisements in maps
* bug fix: remove CG_DrawTeamMapPickups error message for freezetag
* bug fix: premium subscriber status wasn't being parsed and shown in scoreboard
* drawing premium icon in scoreboard doesn't require cg_scoreboardStyle 0
* bug fix: some players could be missing from endgame stats scoreboard
* bug fix: item icons could be affected by picmip setting
* cg_drawFriendStyle 1 (default) friend icon color based on health, 2 yellow icon
* cg_drawEntNumbers 2 will also draw numbers for invisible entities
* bug fix: cg_drawEntNumbers 1 used depth hack
* debugging command /printentitydistance
* bug fix: flag base help icons would use item style bobbing up and down
* bug fix: only 19 crosshair shaders available instead of 29
* crosshair size calculation changed to match quake live
* cg_debugEvents > 1 also prints entity information
* cg_drawInfected to draw 'bite' sprite over player's head in infected game type
* cg_helpIcon to enable/disable help poi icons
* bug fix: avi video opendml header had an extra 4 bytes
* bug fix: avi video missing suggested buffer size for audio
* bug fix: avi video wrong value written for audio and video length
* bug fix: missing allocation check for video buffers
* video: warning for uncompressed or huffyuv videos that use a width value that isn't divisible by four
* video: adjust audio sample rate to improve compatability with other software
* cpma pro-sound algorithm cg_cpmaSound (0: disabled, 1: (default) use with cpma demos, 2: use with all demos, 3: for debugging, use with all demos and print skipped sounds)
* bug fix: missing flag carrier hit icon
* bug fix: flag carrier icon wasn't being drawn before reward icons
* cg_drawFlagCarrier to control flag carrier icons (0: disabled, 1: (default) show only for team flag, 2: show for both teams)
* cg_drawHitFlagCarrierTime to control the time the hit icon is displayed
* bug fix: ammo warning being drawn below reward icons
* ammo warning font, style, and size defaults changed to match quake live
* cg_drawFightMessage to enable or disable the starting "FIGHT!" screen messages
* bug fix: don't draw ammo warning message or sound if frozen in freezetag
* fs_extraGames* similar to q3mme's fs_extraGames (see documentation)
* bug fix: powerup pickup announcer didn't check for cg_audioAnnouncer 0
* cg_killBeep default changed to 7 to match quake live
* cg_audioAnnouncerPowerup to control audio message when powerup is picked up
* bug fix: powerup pickup announcer wasn't controlled by s_announcerVolume
* png option for videos and screenshots: /video png /screenshotPNG r_pngCompressionFast
* bug fix: inconsistent use of either 'cg_helpIcon 0' or 'cg_helpIconStyle 0' to disable ingame help icons. Setting either to 0 will disable them.
* ability to filter out reward types: cg_rewardHumiliation, cg_rewardQuadGod, etc.. disables both announcement and icon display
* camera: spline angle type (from q3mme) available. This is now the default angle type.
* camera: splineBezier and splineCatmullRom camera origin type (from q3mme) available. splineBezier is now the default origin type.
* camera: fov spline interpolation type from q3mme
* camera: camera flags incorporated from q3mme. These are used with spline angle type, splineBezier origin type, splineCatmullRom origin type, and spline fov type.
Can be set with /ecam flags [origin | angles | fov | time]
* q3mme camera support:
/q3mmecamera (same as q3mme /camera command)
added flags subcommand to print or set camera flag values:
/q3mmecamera flags [origin | angles | fov | time]
target sub command changed, you need to specify a target number (-1 means no target). Ex: /q3mmecamera target 9
additional commands:
cg_q3mmeCameraSmoothPos is the same as mov_cameraSmoothPos in q3mme.
cg_drawCameraPointInfo [0: disable camera point information, 1: info for wolfcamql or q3mme camera points, 2: info for wolfcamql camera points, 3: info for q3mme camera points]
* support for demo protocol 91
- cg_useDemoFov protocol 91 transmits player fov values and this can be used to view the demo using the players fov or to try and detect zoom changes. Note that zoom isn't transmitted in the demo so it is detected using a fov change. This will lead to a problem if the player uses a config that changes fov (ex: per weapon). Values (0: ignore demo fov (default), 1: use player's fov, 2: detect zoom changes).
- new steam paks
- removed ownerdraws available in ui/wcmenudef.h (CG_SERVER_OWNER, CG_1ST_PLYR_FULLCLAN, CG_2ND_PLYR_FULLCLAN, UI_SERVER_OWNER)
- steam ids shown with /players command
- utf8 support (FIXME bitmap/q3 font/console 0 width code points)
To enter unicode characters into the console type 'x' plus the hex value and then press 'ctrl + tab' or 'ctrl + keypad_insert'.
- r_debugFonts (0: (default) no information, 1: show missing glyphs, 2: show font fallback checks, 3: show all glyph loading)
- font fallbacks:
First the fonts included with quakelive are added to the font fallback list (notosans-regular.ttf and droidsansfallbackfull.ttf). This can be enabled/disabled with r_defaultQlFontFallbacks.
User set fonts are then added to the list. These are specified as r_fallbackFont[number] (ex: r_fallbackFont1, r_fallbackFont2, etc.). If the cvar doesn't exist or is empty processing stops.
Default Microsoft fonts (l_10646.ttf, segoeui.ttf, and arialuni.ttf) are loaded from wolfcam's 'font' directory (either in base installation or application data directory). These are the defaults used by quakelive and it lets non-Windows users have the same fallbacks by simply copying the fonts over. This can be enabled/disabled with r_defaultMSFontFallbacks.
System fonts are added for Windows users. These are the same MS fonts listed above. This can be enabled/disabled with r_defaultSystemFontFallbacks.
GNU Unifonts are used as the final fallbacks. This can be enabled/disabled with r_defaultUnifontFallbakcs.
- fs_searchWorkshops (0: don't use steam workshop pk3s, 1: (default) load extra pk3s referenced in demos from steam workshop directories). This checks both the steam directory and wolfcamql {APPLICATION DATA}/workshop.
Workshops referenced in demo can be checked in the +info screen and with the com_workshopids cvar.
- cl_downloadWorkshops to auto download workshop items into wolfcamql workshop folder. This uses steamcmd (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD) which needs to be in your executable search path or it can be specified with fs_steamcmd.
* r_mode default changed to 11 (856x480)
* steam quake live directory also checked for demos
* fs_quakelivedir changed to also support steam version and needs to point to the parent of the 'baseq3' directory. Ex: wolfcamql +set fs_quakelivedir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake Live\12345678901234567"
* camera bug fix: last origin spline point was set incorrectly
* windows version can echo console messages in the command prompt if --console-output is used in the command line. Color output can be controlled with com_ansiColor.
* camera edit hud: indicator if the camera view is locked
* bug fix: error popup message doesn't spam error sound if the same message is repeated
* camera bug fix: /ecam didn't report unknown camera types
* bug fix: ui menu capturing wasn't enabled when the scoreboard was drawn
* bug fix: crash due to missing ui functions
* cg_zoomFov default changed to 60
* bug fix: incorrect text line height for camera edit hud
* bug fix: cg_cameraAddUsePreviousValues could use corrupted values
* camera edit hud: indicators for the total average, initial average, final average, and immediate velocities
* camera edit hud: cg_drawCameraPointInfoBackgroundColor and cg_drawCameraPointInfoBackgroundAlpha
* camera edit hud: added immediate and average angle velocities
* bug fix: camera status info wasn't using cg_drawCameraPointInfoFont
* camera edit hud: show total number of camera points
* bug fix: some /ecam subcommands missing help and/or error messages
* camera edit hud: show which camera point corresponds to current time
* bug fix: crash if con_lineWidth was less than or equal to zero
* con_lineWidth "" matches screen width. "" is also the new default setting.
* /ecam shifttime <milliseconds> to shift camera times
* raise maximum camera points from 256 to 512
* /ecam smooth time to change camera times so that the points have the same average velocity
* option to treat camera angle roll as a separate tilting effect (roll type == interp | fixed | pass) or as part of the camera angles (roll type == angles).
* camera bug fix: camera error would ignore setting for cg_cameraDebugPath
* bug fix: cg_drawWarmupStringFont wasn't being used
* bug fix: crash if player score had an invalid number for best weapon
* bug fix: scoreboard player award (mvp, best item control, etc...) could show random values in older and non-ql demos
* bug fix: cg_drawFPS and cg_drawSpeed y offset didn't take into account font scale
* bug fix: cg_drawTeamOverlay y alignment was incorrect with non-q3 fonts
* cg_drawTeamOverlayLineOffset Specifies spacing between team overlay lines. Value is percentage of line height.
* cg_kickScale default changed to 0
* current or last played demo file name stored in cl_demoFile and cl_demoFileBaseName cvars. Default 'F6' key now has 'echopopupcvar cl_demoFileBaseName'
* demo name is also shown in +info screen along with the length and progress counter
* echopopupcvar command no longer prints cvar name. Add 'name' as an extra argument if you want to also print the name. Ex: /echopopupcvar cg_teamModel name
* enabled use of non-outline fonts
* bug fix: font face data wasn't uninitialized
* /fontlist command
* bug fix: console word length count could read past end of buffer
* maximum number of fonts raised to 256
* cg_drawSpeedScale and cg_drawFPSScale default changed to 0.25
* cg_autoFontScaling and cg_autoFontScalingThreshold (minimum pointsize) to automatically increase and decrease font point sizes when scaling. Doesn't apply to bitmap fonts.
* bug fix: playdemolist.py and recorddemolist.py didn't allow missing new line at the end of file
* recorddemolist.py changed to support python 2 and 3
* bug fix: recorddemolist.py didn't specify 'wolfcam-ql' as output directory for record commands
* bug fix: recorddemolist.py didn't remove commands file
* bug fix: /seekclock would use incorrect time if other fast forward or rewind commands were executed in the same frame
* draw mod in q3 demo info screen
* bug fix: some of the console commands would crash if they were executed while the game was still loading
* bug fix: playdemolist.py missing quotes around 'nextdemo' value
* com_idleSleep lower cpu usage if there's time available between frames
* bug fix: incorrect string width and height scale calculation with q3 bitmap fonts
* bug fix: text height and width calculation used integers instead of floats
* X and Y cvar placement variables accept floating point values (ex: cg_drawSpeedX)
* Linux and Mac OS X console paste support
* bug fix: conversion of player names to string without color colors didn't check for osp hex color codes
* If the first command line option doesn't begin with '-' or '+' it is automatically treated as a demo name. This should make it easier to associate file name extensions (.dm_xx) with the wolfcamql executable. This can be disabled with '--no-demo-arg' command line option.
* bug fix: additional command line options like '--nobacktrace' weren't being removed after they were parsed
* console page up/down keys scroll faster while CTRL or SHIFT keys are also pressed
* console HOME key scrolls the display to the top of the entire buffer
* bug fix: console scroll up doesn't go past beginning of buffer
* bug fix: Windows version sets dpi awareness to fix mouse input issues. Can be disabled with '--no-dpi-aware' command line option
* bug fix: unix stack trace didn't correctly check if gdb was available
* bug fix: OpenGL extension string checking used a fixed size buffer
* q3 player hit bleeding changed: you simply have to copy models/weaphits/blood*.tga into wolfcamql/wolfcam-ql/gfx/damageq3/. The gfx/wc/blood*.tga files are now used as fallback images if the q3 ones aren't installed.
* cg_bleedTime to control the amount of time player bleeding is shown on screen
* bug fix: don't draw bleed in first person view for followed player
* bug fix: frag message would incorrectly show as team kill when player being followed was changed
* bug fix: font rendering wasn't using horizontal glyph offsets
* bug fix: font rendering would add an extra point when advancing to next glyph
* bug fix: map name/message not shown in scoreboard for non quake live demos
* com_logo to control logo cinematic when the program starts
* bug fix: point size cvar changes wouldn't reload fonts
* bug fix: setting font cvars to "" would automatically set point size to 24
* cg_drawClientItemTimerFilter to disable items. Default is "rmygqb". Available tokens are 'b' (battle suit), 'g' (green armor), 'm' (mega health), 'q' (quad damage), 'r' (red armor), and 'y' (yellow armor). This also selects the order for drawing.
* new line frag message token: %{newline <value>} value is vertical distance
* xoffset frag message token: %{x <value>} horizontal offset value, note that text length for alignment is calculated without this offset
* yoffset frag message token: %{y <value>} vertical offset value
* change fonts frag token: %{font <point size> <font file/name>}
* change font scale frag token: %{scale <value>}
* change icon scale frag token: %{iconscale <value>}
* change style frag token: %{style <value>}
* bug fix: invalid limit check for string painting
* bug fix: third person / freecam would draw followed player's weapon with ghost shader
* cg_racePlayerShader added options 2: use ghost shader for followed player and weapon, 3: use ghost shader for followed player's weapon, 4: use ghost shader for followed player (not weapon)
* hud: quake3 single player gametype is cg_gametype 16
* bug fix: quake3 single player demos would show hud elements from quake live 'race' gametype
* bug fix: incorrect player shown in cpma duel scoreboard
* bug fix: additional quake live weapons registered even if protocol didn't support them
* default quake live linux and mac os x directory is checked with wine versions (either steam or standalone). Ex: $HOME/.wine/drive_c/users/$USER/Application Data/id Software/quakelive
* cl_demoFileCheckSystem check for demo file in the local file system as well as wolfcam and quake live directories. (0: no check, 1: check local directory before wolfcam or quakelive directories, 2: (default) check if not found in wolfcam or quake live directories)
ex: wolfcamql.exe +set cl_demoFileCheckSystem 1 +demo c:tmpdem6.dm_90
* bug fix: map items incorrectly registered
* bug fix: cgame map entity checking accepts string values for "not_gametype" like quake live
* bug fix: /devmap and /map entity parsing accept string values for "not_gametype"
* bug fix: /devmap and /map entity parsing accept "duel" gametype as well as "tournament"
* bug fix: demo protocol wasn't being checked before the first demo packet was handled
* bug fix: cgame map entity parsing accepts "duel" as gametype as well as "tournament". This could result in invalid items being used for item timers.
* bug fix: application would exit if baseq3 packs weren't installed and a demo or map is loaded
* bug fix: crash if r_singleShader is set and quakelive paks aren't installed
* bug fix: player name sprite wasn't created if glyph height was greater than 64
* hud bug fix: CG_SHOW_IF_SG_FIRED missing
* bug fix: spectators could show up as players in the scoreboard
* bug fix: some shaders were not uploaded with power of two dimensions
* bug fix: possible texture corruption (invalid texture numbers could be used)
* demo type automatically detected (new ql protocol 90, older ql 73, and quake 3), no need to use 'protocol' command line option
* bug fix: player names sprites created before correct fonts were loaded
* bug fix: crash creating player name sprites if font is invalid
* bug fix: crash if font image data was bigger than 256x256
* bug fix: invalid value for apos.gravity in dm 73 entityState
* bug fix: incorrect parsing of spawn variables in cgame if there was only one gametype listed in the map
* bug fix: spawn variables accept 'tdm' as team deathmatch name as well as 'team'
* fx: player[legs|torso|head] copy current axis values to script variables which can be uses with 'axismodel'
* fx bug fix: player[legs|torso|head]/trail was sharing interval and position data with player weapon flash and impacts
* fx: 'animFrame' variable added to control model animations, player/[legs|torso|head]/trail automatically set this from current player animation
* fx bug fix: incorrect parsing of variables in 'command'
* fx bug fix: memory corruption if 'command' string was longer than 64 bytes
* bug fix: crash if surface entity reference invalid (seen with overload map)
* support for quake live update Aug 27, 2014
- You have to use the latest quakelive pak*.pk3 files. This update changed the ordering/number of the menu definitions so using older quake live paks is going to lead to random items being drawn in the hud.
- This update also removed some menu ownerdraws. These can still be used and are still defined in ui/wcmenudef.h
- new protocol 90
- Heavy machine gun fx scripts: weapon/hmg/*
- Heavy machine gun auto vstr: cg_weaponHeavyMachineGun
- Heavy maching gun additional hud ownerdraws: WCG_WEAPON_HAVE_HEAVY_MACHINEGUN and WCG_WEAPON_AMMO_HEAVY_MACHINEGUN
- ql widescreen hud
Enabled with 'cg_wideScreen 5' which is now the default value.
Widescreen cvars for hud elements not controlled through menus: cg_drawSpeedWideScreen, cg_drawJumpSpeedWideScreen, cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimeWideScreen, cg_drawFollowingWideScreen, cg_drawAttackerWideScreen, cg_drawSnapshotWideScreen, cg_drawFPSWideScreen.integer, cg_drawClientItemTimerWideScreen, cg_drawOriginWideScreen, cg_drawItemPickupsWideScreen, cg_drawRewardsWideScreen, cg_lagometerWideScreen, cg_drawCenterPrintWideScreen, cg_drawFragMessageWideScreen, cg_drawCrosshairNamesWideScreen, cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthWideScreen, cg_drawVoteWideScreen, cg_drawTeamVoteWideScreen, cg_scoreBoardOldWideScreen, cg_drawFollowingWideScreen, cg_drawAmmoWarningWideScreen, cg_drawProxWarningWideScreen, cg_drawWaitingForPlayersWideScreen, cg_accWideScreen, cg_drawDominationPointStatusWideScreen, cg_weaponBarWideScreen, cg_drawWarmupStringWideScreen, cg_echoPopupWideScreen
- damage indicators (cg_damagePlum, cg_damagePlumColorStyle, cg_damagePlumTarget, cg_damagePlumTime, cg_damagePlumBounce, cg_damagePlumGravity, cg_damagePlumRandomVelocity, cg_damagePlumFont, cg_damagePlumFontStyle, cg_damagePlumPointSize, cg_damagePlumScale, cg_damagePlumColor, cg_damagePlumAlpha)
- freezetag scoreboard change
- score command changes
- in-world timers for major items (cg_itemTimers, cg_itemTimersScale, cg_itemTimersOffset, cg_itemTimersAlpha)
- powerup respawn poi 10 seconds before powerup respawns (cg_drawPowerupRespawn, cg_drawPowerupRespawnScale, cg_drawPowerupRespawnOffset, cg_drawPowerupRespawnAlpha)
- powerup available ingame icons (cg_drawPowerupAvailable, cg_drawPowerupAvailableScale, cg_drawPowerupAvailableOffset, cg_drawPowerupAvailableAlpha, cg_drawPowerupAvailableFadeStart, cg_drawPowerupAvailableFadeEnd)
- flagstand help icons in ctf
- quad sound limited with rapid fire weapons: mg, hmg, pg, cg. (cg_quadSoundRate)
- fix broken shader image when crosshair was a multiple of 30
* support for quakelive update Sep 11, 2014
- new announcer
- combo kill award (fx script is player/medalComboKill)
- mid air award (fx script is player/medalMidAir)
- revenge award (fx script is player/medalRevenge)
- first frag award (fx script is player/medalFirstFrag)
- rampage award (fx script is player/medalRampage)
- infected vo when you are turned
- 'Go!' vo on Race countdown
- 'Bite!' vo on Infected countdown
- your/enemy team scores vo replaces red/blue scores unless you are a spectator
- removed red/blue scores and rank change (lead taken / lead loss) from Attack & Defend, because these events only occur at the time of other VO playing (flag taken, round over, etc)
* support for quake live update December 2, 2014
- overtime indicator on the HUD
- perforated award (fx script is player/medalPerforated)
- stacked obituaries in hud: maximum number to show controlled with cg_obituaryStack
- win/loss music at intermission: controlled with cg_winLossMusic
* support for quake live update April 21, 2015
- scoreboard column changes
- changed blood shaders (view damage, trail, spurt, mark)
- map keys
- accuracy award (fx script is player/medalAccuracy)
- headshot award (fx script is player/medalHeadshot)
- perfect award (fx script is player/medalPerfect)
- quad god award (fx script is player/medalQuadGod)
- alternative announcer voices: selectable with cg_audioAnnouncer 1, 2, 3 (1: Vadrigar (Classic), 2: Daemia (Female), 3: new announcer)
- battlesuit vo
- s_killbeepVolume
* bug fix: cgame information screen uses widescreen settings
* bug fix: cgame loading screen would draw player icons past the screen dimensions
* bug fix: text shadowing didn't take into account text scaling value
* ioquake3 fixes
* bug fix: remove cull option from advertisement shaders to prevent blocking depth hacked sprites
* cg_debugAds to help locate advertisements in maps
* bug fix: remove CG_DrawTeamMapPickups error message for freezetag
* bug fix: premium subscriber status wasn't being parsed and shown in scoreboard
* drawing premium icon in scoreboard doesn't require cg_scoreboardStyle 0
* bug fix: some players could be missing from endgame stats scoreboard
* bug fix: item icons could be affected by picmip setting
* cg_drawFriendStyle 1 (default) friend icon color based on health, 2 yellow icon
* cg_drawEntNumbers 2 will also draw numbers for invisible entities
* bug fix: cg_drawEntNumbers 1 used depth hack
* debugging command /printentitydistance
* bug fix: flag base help icons would use item style bobbing up and down
* bug fix: only 19 crosshair shaders available instead of 29
* crosshair size calculation changed to match quake live
* cg_debugEvents > 1 also prints entity information
* cg_drawInfected to draw 'bite' sprite over player's head in infected game type
* cg_helpIcon to enable/disable help poi icons
* bug fix: avi video opendml header had an extra 4 bytes
* bug fix: avi video missing suggested buffer size for audio
* bug fix: avi video wrong value written for audio and video length
* bug fix: missing allocation check for video buffers
* video: warning for uncompressed or huffyuv videos that use a width value that isn't divisible by four
* video: adjust audio sample rate to improve compatability with other software
* cpma pro-sound algorithm cg_cpmaSound (0: disabled, 1: (default) use with cpma demos, 2: use with all demos, 3: for debugging, use with all demos and print skipped sounds)
* bug fix: missing flag carrier hit icon
* bug fix: flag carrier icon wasn't being drawn before reward icons
* cg_drawFlagCarrier to control flag carrier icons (0: disabled, 1: (default) show only for team flag, 2: show for both teams)
* cg_drawHitFlagCarrierTime to control the time the hit icon is displayed
* bug fix: ammo warning being drawn below reward icons
* ammo warning font, style, and size defaults changed to match quake live
* cg_drawFightMessage to enable or disable the starting "FIGHT!" screen messages
* bug fix: don't draw ammo warning message or sound if frozen in freezetag
* fs_extraGames* similar to q3mme's fs_extraGames (see documentation)
* bug fix: powerup pickup announcer didn't check for cg_audioAnnouncer 0
* cg_killBeep default changed to 7 to match quake live
* cg_audioAnnouncerPowerup to control audio message when powerup is picked up
* bug fix: powerup pickup announcer wasn't controlled by s_announcerVolume
* png option for videos and screenshots: /video png /screenshotPNG r_pngCompressionFast
* bug fix: inconsistent use of either 'cg_helpIcon 0' or 'cg_helpIconStyle 0' to disable ingame help icons. Setting either to 0 will disable them.
* ability to filter out reward types: cg_rewardHumiliation, cg_rewardQuadGod, etc.. disables both announcement and icon display
* camera: spline angle type (from q3mme) available. This is now the default angle type.
* camera: splineBezier and splineCatmullRom camera origin type (from q3mme) available. splineBezier is now the default origin type.
* camera: fov spline interpolation type from q3mme
* camera: camera flags incorporated from q3mme. These are used with spline angle type, splineBezier origin type, splineCatmullRom origin type, and spline fov type.
Can be set with /ecam flags [origin | angles | fov | time]
* q3mme camera support:
/q3mmecamera (same as q3mme /camera command)
added flags subcommand to print or set camera flag values:
/q3mmecamera flags [origin | angles | fov | time]
target sub command changed, you need to specify a target number (-1 means no target). Ex: /q3mmecamera target 9
additional commands:
cg_q3mmeCameraSmoothPos is the same as mov_cameraSmoothPos in q3mme.
cg_drawCameraPointInfo [0: disable camera point information, 1: info for wolfcamql or q3mme camera points, 2: info for wolfcamql camera points, 3: info for q3mme camera points]
* support for demo protocol 91
- cg_useDemoFov protocol 91 transmits player fov values and this can be used to view the demo using the players fov or to try and detect zoom changes. Note that zoom isn't transmitted in the demo so it is detected using a fov change. This will lead to a problem if the player uses a config that changes fov (ex: per weapon). Values (0: ignore demo fov (default), 1: use player's fov, 2: detect zoom changes).
- new steam paks
- removed ownerdraws available in ui/wcmenudef.h (CG_SERVER_OWNER, CG_1ST_PLYR_FULLCLAN, CG_2ND_PLYR_FULLCLAN, UI_SERVER_OWNER)
- steam ids shown with /players command
- utf8 support (FIXME bitmap/q3 font/console 0 width code points)
To enter unicode characters into the console type 'x' plus the hex value and then press 'ctrl + tab' or 'ctrl + keypad_insert'.
- r_debugFonts (0: (default) no information, 1: show missing glyphs, 2: show font fallback checks, 3: show all glyph loading)
- font fallbacks:
First the fonts included with quakelive are added to the font fallback list (notosans-regular.ttf and droidsansfallbackfull.ttf). This can be enabled/disabled with r_defaultQlFontFallbacks.
User set fonts are then added to the list. These are specified as r_fallbackFont[number] (ex: r_fallbackFont1, r_fallbackFont2, etc.). If the cvar doesn't exist or is empty processing stops.
Default Microsoft fonts (l_10646.ttf, segoeui.ttf, and arialuni.ttf) are loaded from wolfcam's 'font' directory (either in base installation or application data directory). These are the defaults used by quakelive and it lets non-Windows users have the same fallbacks by simply copying the fonts over. This can be enabled/disabled with r_defaultMSFontFallbacks.
System fonts are added for Windows users. These are the same MS fonts listed above. This can be enabled/disabled with r_defaultSystemFontFallbacks.
GNU Unifonts are used as the final fallbacks. This can be enabled/disabled with r_defaultUnifontFallbakcs.
- fs_searchWorkshops (0: don't use steam workshop pk3s, 1: (default) load extra pk3s referenced in demos from steam workshop directories). This checks both the steam directory and wolfcamql {APPLICATION DATA}/workshop.
Workshops referenced in demo can be checked in the +info screen and with the com_workshopids cvar.
- cl_downloadWorkshops to auto download workshop items into wolfcamql workshop folder. This uses steamcmd (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD) which needs to be in your executable search path or it can be specified with fs_steamcmd.
* r_mode default changed to 11 (856x480)
* steam quake live directory also checked for demos
* fs_quakelivedir changed to also support steam version and needs to point to the parent of the 'baseq3' directory. Ex: wolfcamql +set fs_quakelivedir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake Live\12345678901234567"
* camera bug fix: last origin spline point was set incorrectly
* windows version can echo console messages in the command prompt if --console-output is used in the command line. Color output can be controlled with com_ansiColor.
* camera edit hud: indicator if the camera view is locked
* bug fix: error popup message doesn't spam error sound if the same message is repeated
* camera bug fix: /ecam didn't report unknown camera types
* bug fix: ui menu capturing wasn't enabled when the scoreboard was drawn
* bug fix: crash due to missing ui functions
* cg_zoomFov default changed to 60
* bug fix: incorrect text line height for camera edit hud
* bug fix: cg_cameraAddUsePreviousValues could use corrupted values
* camera edit hud: indicators for the total average, initial average, final average, and immediate velocities
* camera edit hud: cg_drawCameraPointInfoBackgroundColor and cg_drawCameraPointInfoBackgroundAlpha
* camera edit hud: added immediate and average angle velocities
* bug fix: camera status info wasn't using cg_drawCameraPointInfoFont
* camera edit hud: show total number of camera points
* bug fix: some /ecam subcommands missing help and/or error messages
* camera edit hud: show which camera point corresponds to current time
* bug fix: crash if con_lineWidth was less than or equal to zero
* con_lineWidth "" matches screen width. "" is also the new default setting.
* /ecam shifttime <milliseconds> to shift camera times
* raise maximum camera points from 256 to 512
* /ecam smooth time to change camera times so that the points have the same average velocity
* option to treat camera angle roll as a separate tilting effect (roll type == interp | fixed | pass) or as part of the camera angles (roll type == angles).
* camera bug fix: camera error would ignore setting for cg_cameraDebugPath
* bug fix: cg_drawWarmupStringFont wasn't being used
* bug fix: crash if player score had an invalid number for best weapon
* bug fix: scoreboard player award (mvp, best item control, etc...) could show random values in older and non-ql demos
* bug fix: cg_drawFPS and cg_drawSpeed y offset didn't take into account font scale
* bug fix: cg_drawTeamOverlay y alignment was incorrect with non-q3 fonts
* cg_drawTeamOverlayLineOffset Specifies spacing between team overlay lines. Value is percentage of line height.
* cg_kickScale default changed to 0
* current or last played demo file name stored in cl_demoFile and cl_demoFileBaseName cvars. Default 'F6' key now has 'echopopupcvar cl_demoFileBaseName'
* demo name is also shown in +info screen along with the length and progress counter
* echopopupcvar command no longer prints cvar name. Add 'name' as an extra argument if you want to also print the name. Ex: /echopopupcvar cg_teamModel name
* enabled use of non-outline fonts
* bug fix: font face data wasn't uninitialized
* /fontlist command
* bug fix: console word length count could read past end of buffer
* maximum number of fonts raised to 256
* cg_drawSpeedScale and cg_drawFPSScale default changed to 0.25
* cg_autoFontScaling and cg_autoFontScalingThreshold (minimum pointsize) to automatically increase and decrease font point sizes when scaling. Doesn't apply to bitmap fonts.
* bug fix: playdemolist.py and recorddemolist.py didn't allow missing new line at the end of file
* recorddemolist.py changed to support python 2 and 3
* bug fix: recorddemolist.py didn't specify 'wolfcam-ql' as output directory for record commands
* bug fix: recorddemolist.py didn't remove commands file
* bug fix: /seekclock would use incorrect time if other fast forward or rewind commands were executed in the same frame
* draw mod in q3 demo info screen
* bug fix: some of the console commands would crash if they were executed while the game was still loading
* bug fix: playdemolist.py missing quotes around 'nextdemo' value
* com_idleSleep lower cpu usage if there's time available between frames
* bug fix: incorrect string width and height scale calculation with q3 bitmap fonts
* bug fix: text height and width calculation used integers instead of floats
* X and Y cvar placement variables accept floating point values (ex: cg_drawSpeedX)
* Linux and Mac OS X console paste support
* bug fix: conversion of player names to string without color colors didn't check for osp hex color codes
* If the first command line option doesn't begin with '-' or '+' it is automatically treated as a demo name. This should make it easier to associate file name extensions (.dm_xx) with the wolfcamql executable. This can be disabled with '--no-demo-arg' command line option.
* bug fix: additional command line options like '--nobacktrace' weren't being removed after they were parsed
* console page up/down keys scroll faster while CTRL or SHIFT keys are also pressed
* console HOME key scrolls the display to the top of the entire buffer
* bug fix: console scroll up doesn't go past beginning of buffer
* bug fix: Windows version sets dpi awareness to fix mouse input issues. Can be disabled with '--no-dpi-aware' command line option
* bug fix: unix stack trace didn't correctly check if gdb was available
* bug fix: OpenGL extension string checking used a fixed size buffer
* q3 player hit bleeding changed: you simply have to copy models/weaphits/blood*.tga into wolfcamql/wolfcam-ql/gfx/damageq3/. The gfx/wc/blood*.tga files are now used as fallback images if the q3 ones aren't installed.
* cg_bleedTime to control the amount of time player bleeding is shown on screen
* bug fix: don't draw bleed in first person view for followed player
* bug fix: frag message would incorrectly show as team kill when player being followed was changed
* bug fix: font rendering wasn't using horizontal glyph offsets
* bug fix: font rendering would add an extra point when advancing to next glyph
* bug fix: map name/message not shown in scoreboard for non quake live demos
* com_logo to control logo cinematic when the program starts
* bug fix: point size cvar changes wouldn't reload fonts
* bug fix: setting font cvars to "" would automatically set point size to 24
* cg_drawClientItemTimerFilter to disable items. Default is "rmygqb". Available tokens are 'b' (battle suit), 'g' (green armor), 'm' (mega health), 'q' (quad damage), 'r' (red armor), and 'y' (yellow armor). This also selects the order for drawing.
* new line frag message token: %{newline <value>} value is vertical distance
* xoffset frag message token: %{x <value>} horizontal offset value, note that text length for alignment is calculated without this offset
* yoffset frag message token: %{y <value>} vertical offset value
* change fonts frag token: %{font <point size> <font file/name>}
* change font scale frag token: %{scale <value>}
* change icon scale frag token: %{iconscale <value>}
* change style frag token: %{style <value>}
* bug fix: invalid limit check for string painting
* bug fix: third person / freecam would draw followed player's weapon with ghost shader
* cg_racePlayerShader added options 2: use ghost shader for followed player and weapon, 3: use ghost shader for followed player's weapon, 4: use ghost shader for followed player (not weapon)
11.1 2016-04-14
* bug fix: incorrect text length calculation with frag/obituary token strings
* bug fix: cg_useDemoZoom 2 didn't work with spec demos
* /unset command can use '*' at end of name to perform pattern matching. Ex: /unset cg_*
* bug fix: forced bmodels weren't reset when a new map was loaded
* cg_fovStyle 2 added. This should match quakelive. This is similar to 1 but uses fixed aspect ratios (5:4, 4:3, 16:10, and 16:9). Vertical fov is preserved and more of the horizontal view is shown as the screen width increases and passes through each aspect threshold. This stretches the ingame world view to match the highest apsect ratio matched and has an upper limit of 16:9.
* cg_fovForceAspectWidth and cg_fovForceAspectHeight with cg_fovStyle 1 or 2 this forces fov calculations to this apsect ratio and then stretches the ingame world view to match the screen width.
* bug fix: free spec was using third person view offset
* cg_specOffsetQL (0: use first person view like quake3, 1 (default): no adjustment like quakelive, 2: use third person offsets)
* cg_drawSpeedChangeColor to change text color based on speed
* cg_whColor, cg_whAlpha, cg_whEnemyShader, cg_whEnemyColor, cg_whEnemyAlpha
* default wallhack shader changed to wc/wallhack
* cg_wh 2 enables wall hack only for enemies, 3 only for teammates
* cg_flagTakenSound alarm sounds for flag taken
* change window icon color
* bug fix: incorrect text length calculation with frag/obituary token strings
* bug fix: cg_useDemoZoom 2 didn't work with spec demos
* /unset command can use '*' at end of name to perform pattern matching. Ex: /unset cg_*
* bug fix: forced bmodels weren't reset when a new map was loaded
* cg_fovStyle 2 added. This should match quakelive. This is similar to 1 but uses fixed aspect ratios (5:4, 4:3, 16:10, and 16:9). Vertical fov is preserved and more of the horizontal view is shown as the screen width increases and passes through each aspect threshold. This stretches the ingame world view to match the highest apsect ratio matched and has an upper limit of 16:9.
* cg_fovForceAspectWidth and cg_fovForceAspectHeight with cg_fovStyle 1 or 2 this forces fov calculations to this apsect ratio and then stretches the ingame world view to match the screen width.
* bug fix: free spec was using third person view offset
* cg_specOffsetQL (0: use first person view like quake3, 1 (default): no adjustment like quakelive, 2: use third person offsets)
* cg_drawSpeedChangeColor to change text color based on speed
* cg_whColor, cg_whAlpha, cg_whEnemyShader, cg_whEnemyColor, cg_whEnemyAlpha
* default wallhack shader changed to wc/wallhack
* cg_wh 2 enables wall hack only for enemies, 3 only for teammates
* cg_flagTakenSound alarm sounds for flag taken
* change window icon color
11.2 2016-06-06
* r_scaleImagesPowerOfTwo (0: don't scale images for hardware that supports it, 1: scale images to power of two dimensions, -1: force non scaling even if hardware doesn't support it)
* bug fix: r_fullbright 1 wasn't working with r_vertexlight 1
* bug fix: remove debug printf parsing menu foreground color
* bug fix: render commands missing padding
* cg_forcePovModel 1 also sets team skins and colors for team games, 2 sets model as is
* bug fix: bright or color skins for teammates weren't enabled unless model was also set to use a bright or color skin
* cg_forcePovModelIgnoreFreecamTeamSettings can be used to override the value of cg_freecam_useTeamSettings
* bug fix: rail stats counting hits twice for protocol 91 demos
* bug fix: hmg info not shown in clan arena stats menu
* bug fix: steam workshops pk3s were loaded after ql pak00.pk3 which allowed them to modify the pak00.pk3 content
* fs_searchWorkshops 2 allows workshops to be treated like mods by loading them after other pk3s (including ql pak00.pk3). This lets them modify content.
* bug fix: team overlay information correctly wasn't updating correctly with protocol 91 demos
* cg_useDemoZoom 2 resets zoom settings at round start in clan arena to work around a quake live bug where the fov values from the previously viewed player are still being used
* bug fix: cg_forcePovModel didn't check model for "tag_flag"
* cg_enemyHeadModel
* cg_teamHeadModel
* headmodel support with cg_forcePovModel
* bug fix: blacklisted team model wasn't reset correctly if own model changed
* setting "model" doesn't automatically set the same value for "headmodel"
* bug fix: cg_forceModel 1 still used cg_team* and cg_enemy* models
* bug fix: cg_forceModel 2 ignored server model settings
* bug fix: red/blue skins sometimes used for own player in non-team games
* bug fix: enemy model wasn't using red/blue team skins
* model and headmodel cvars can be set to ""
* bug fix: alt skins would keep trying to load every frame if they were invalid
* cg_drawSelf uses a different color for not just demo pov (white) but also demo taker (green)
* bug fix: enemy alternate legs and head skins would use teammate alt skins
* cg_ourHeadSkin, cg_ourTorsoSkin, and cg_ourLegsSkin used with cg_forcePovModel 2
* cg_ourHeadColor, cg_ourTorsoColor, and cg_ourLegsColor used with cg_forcePovModel 2
* bug fix: buffer overflow setting team and enemy colors
* bug fix: wrong alternate skins could be used with black listed team models
* bug fix: changing value of cg_disallowEnemyModelForTeammates could use wrong alternate team skins
* added cg_fallbackModel and cg_fallbackHeadModel. These are now used with cg_disallowEnemyModelForTeammates instead of "model" and "headmodel"
* cg_disallowEnemyModelForTeammates 1 also changes pov model. Setting to 2 is the old behavior that only changes the model if the player was a teammate (not including self).
* bug fix: wrong icon for world kill/death
* bug fix: team skins used in non-team games
* changing cg_useDefaultTeamSkins doesn't require vid_restart
* cg_ignoreClientHeadModel [0: use head model set by player, 1: ignore and use 'model' setting, 2: (default) ignore for quake live demos and use 'model' setting]
* "-teamColor" skin to select approriate red, blue, or default
* fx bug fix: cullNear and cullRadius weren't used
* fx: cullDistance render token and cullDistanceValue variable to prevent rendering of entities far away. Ex:
emitter 2 {
cullDistanceValue 400 // set cull value
sprite cullDistance // set sprite to use cullDistanceValue
* r_scaleImagesPowerOfTwo (0: don't scale images for hardware that supports it, 1: scale images to power of two dimensions, -1: force non scaling even if hardware doesn't support it)
* bug fix: r_fullbright 1 wasn't working with r_vertexlight 1
* bug fix: remove debug printf parsing menu foreground color
* bug fix: render commands missing padding
* cg_forcePovModel 1 also sets team skins and colors for team games, 2 sets model as is
* bug fix: bright or color skins for teammates weren't enabled unless model was also set to use a bright or color skin
* cg_forcePovModelIgnoreFreecamTeamSettings can be used to override the value of cg_freecam_useTeamSettings
* bug fix: rail stats counting hits twice for protocol 91 demos
* bug fix: hmg info not shown in clan arena stats menu
* bug fix: steam workshops pk3s were loaded after ql pak00.pk3 which allowed them to modify the pak00.pk3 content
* fs_searchWorkshops 2 allows workshops to be treated like mods by loading them after other pk3s (including ql pak00.pk3). This lets them modify content.
* bug fix: team overlay information correctly wasn't updating correctly with protocol 91 demos
* cg_useDemoZoom 2 resets zoom settings at round start in clan arena to work around a quake live bug where the fov values from the previously viewed player are still being used
* bug fix: cg_forcePovModel didn't check model for "tag_flag"
* cg_enemyHeadModel
* cg_teamHeadModel
* headmodel support with cg_forcePovModel
* bug fix: blacklisted team model wasn't reset correctly if own model changed
* setting "model" doesn't automatically set the same value for "headmodel"
* bug fix: cg_forceModel 1 still used cg_team* and cg_enemy* models
* bug fix: cg_forceModel 2 ignored server model settings
* bug fix: red/blue skins sometimes used for own player in non-team games
* bug fix: enemy model wasn't using red/blue team skins
* model and headmodel cvars can be set to ""
* bug fix: alt skins would keep trying to load every frame if they were invalid
* cg_drawSelf uses a different color for not just demo pov (white) but also demo taker (green)
* bug fix: enemy alternate legs and head skins would use teammate alt skins
* cg_ourHeadSkin, cg_ourTorsoSkin, and cg_ourLegsSkin used with cg_forcePovModel 2
* cg_ourHeadColor, cg_ourTorsoColor, and cg_ourLegsColor used with cg_forcePovModel 2
* bug fix: buffer overflow setting team and enemy colors
* bug fix: wrong alternate skins could be used with black listed team models
* bug fix: changing value of cg_disallowEnemyModelForTeammates could use wrong alternate team skins
* added cg_fallbackModel and cg_fallbackHeadModel. These are now used with cg_disallowEnemyModelForTeammates instead of "model" and "headmodel"
* cg_disallowEnemyModelForTeammates 1 also changes pov model. Setting to 2 is the old behavior that only changes the model if the player was a teammate (not including self).
* bug fix: wrong icon for world kill/death
* bug fix: team skins used in non-team games
* changing cg_useDefaultTeamSkins doesn't require vid_restart
* cg_ignoreClientHeadModel [0: use head model set by player, 1: ignore and use 'model' setting, 2: (default) ignore for quake live demos and use 'model' setting]
* "-teamColor" skin to select approriate red, blue, or default
* fx bug fix: cullNear and cullRadius weren't used
* fx: cullDistance render token and cullDistanceValue variable to prevent rendering of entities far away. Ex:
emitter 2 {
cullDistanceValue 400 // set cull value
sprite cullDistance // set sprite to use cullDistanceValue
11.3 2016-08-13
* bug fix: player name and location in team overlay truncating last letter
* support for steam workshop gibs (need to copy workshop_gibs.pk3 into wolfcam-ql/)
* player bleeding not dependent on com_blood cvar
* bug fix: invalid lightning gun beam origin when /follow'ed player is the same as demo pov
* bug fix: invalid gun offset when /follow'ed player is the same as demo pov
* first person weapon drawn with /follow'ed player
* cg_ignoreServerPlaySound disable/enable server 'playsound' command. Used with 'crash' tutorial and minqlx custom sounds.
* bug fix: /follow'ed player showing inaccurate health/armor for teammates in protocol 91 demos
* bug fix: invalid check for teamgame with /follow'ed player armor and health
* bug fix: /follow'ed player not showing armor and health for teammates with spec demo and protocol 91
* cg_fragIconHeightFixed for frag and obiturary messages controls whether icon height is based on the height of the surrounding text (leads to variable icon sizes) or on a fixed value per font (matches quake live)
* bug fix: remove console spamming if playerState command time was reset
* switch drawing order of timer and speed in old q3 hud
* ioquake3 fixes
* bug fix: draw status bar head for /follow'ed player in old q3 hud
* bug fix: health and armor not shown for /follow'ed player in old q3 hud
* bug fix: protocol 91 spectator demos not using additional health and armor information for /follow'ed player
* cg_thawGibs to control freezetag thaw effect separately from cg_gibs
* bug fix: player skill rating value sometimes printed for demos that don't support skill rating
* auto execs for /follow'ed player view switches: wolfcamfirstpersonviewdemotaker.cfg and wolfcamfirstpersonviewother.cfg
* bug fix: scoreboard not showing team sizes
* cg_drawGun 4 enables transparent weapon and bobbing
* bug fix: invalid shader used for crosshairs in setup menu
* bug fix: cg_demoSmoothing didn't work with /follow'ed player
* scoreboard alive/dead status updates based on obituary events as well as server score commands
* cg_scoreBoardForceLineHeight override the menu defined line height for the player list in non-team modes. (-1: scales line height to fit all players, 0: uses the menu defined value, > 0: uses this value)
* cg_scoreBoardForceLineHeightDefault this is the default number of players that fit in the non-team scoreboard, this needs to match menu value for line forcing to work
* cg_scoreBoardForceLineHeightTeam override the menu defined line height for the player list in team modes. (-1: scales line height to fit all players, 0: uses the menu defined value, > 0: uses this value)
* cg_scoreBoardForceLineHeightTeamDefault this is the default number of players that fit in the team scoreboard, this needs to match menu value for line forcing to work
* /seeknextround [millisecond offset]
* /seekprevround [millisecond offset]
* auto exec: demoTakerDieRound.cfg if demo taker is also a player and dies during a Clan arena or CTFS round
* bug fix: crash parsing spawn variables with cpma demos
* cg_soundPvs (1: for ql demo protocol >= 91 which sends extra sound information only play sounds in potentially visible set, 2: restrict sounds to pvs for all demos, 3: for debugging, restrict sounds to pvs and print skipped sounds)
* bug fix: cpma sound don't use lerp origin
* cg_soundBuffer (0: disabled buffered sounds, 1: enable buffered sounds)
* bug fix: model check during demo parsing using incorrect config string value
* cg_drawFlagCarrierSize icon size
* "smscores" server command
* cg_debugServerCommands (0 (default): only print message for unknown commands, 1: print all commands and arguments, 2: only print message and arguments for unknown commands)
* bug fix: missing cpma ca round status messages
* bug fix: missing cpma autoexecs for ca round start and end
* cpma update round alive status in ca scoreboard
* bug fix: alive status missing in 'Attack and Defend' scoreboard
* bug fix: remove 'unknown config string: 690' warning
* bug fix: self demo taker icon didn't use cg_drawSelf[Min|Max]Width
* cg_drawSelfIconStyle (0: use same icon regardless of team, 1: use diamond icon for enemy)
* bug fix: player name and location in team overlay truncating last letter
* support for steam workshop gibs (need to copy workshop_gibs.pk3 into wolfcam-ql/)
* player bleeding not dependent on com_blood cvar
* bug fix: invalid lightning gun beam origin when /follow'ed player is the same as demo pov
* bug fix: invalid gun offset when /follow'ed player is the same as demo pov
* first person weapon drawn with /follow'ed player
* cg_ignoreServerPlaySound disable/enable server 'playsound' command. Used with 'crash' tutorial and minqlx custom sounds.
* bug fix: /follow'ed player showing inaccurate health/armor for teammates in protocol 91 demos
* bug fix: invalid check for teamgame with /follow'ed player armor and health
* bug fix: /follow'ed player not showing armor and health for teammates with spec demo and protocol 91
* cg_fragIconHeightFixed for frag and obiturary messages controls whether icon height is based on the height of the surrounding text (leads to variable icon sizes) or on a fixed value per font (matches quake live)
* bug fix: remove console spamming if playerState command time was reset
* switch drawing order of timer and speed in old q3 hud
* ioquake3 fixes
* bug fix: draw status bar head for /follow'ed player in old q3 hud
* bug fix: health and armor not shown for /follow'ed player in old q3 hud
* bug fix: protocol 91 spectator demos not using additional health and armor information for /follow'ed player
* cg_thawGibs to control freezetag thaw effect separately from cg_gibs
* bug fix: player skill rating value sometimes printed for demos that don't support skill rating
* auto execs for /follow'ed player view switches: wolfcamfirstpersonviewdemotaker.cfg and wolfcamfirstpersonviewother.cfg
* bug fix: scoreboard not showing team sizes
* cg_drawGun 4 enables transparent weapon and bobbing
* bug fix: invalid shader used for crosshairs in setup menu
* bug fix: cg_demoSmoothing didn't work with /follow'ed player
* scoreboard alive/dead status updates based on obituary events as well as server score commands
* cg_scoreBoardForceLineHeight override the menu defined line height for the player list in non-team modes. (-1: scales line height to fit all players, 0: uses the menu defined value, > 0: uses this value)
* cg_scoreBoardForceLineHeightDefault this is the default number of players that fit in the non-team scoreboard, this needs to match menu value for line forcing to work
* cg_scoreBoardForceLineHeightTeam override the menu defined line height for the player list in team modes. (-1: scales line height to fit all players, 0: uses the menu defined value, > 0: uses this value)
* cg_scoreBoardForceLineHeightTeamDefault this is the default number of players that fit in the team scoreboard, this needs to match menu value for line forcing to work
* /seeknextround [millisecond offset]
* /seekprevround [millisecond offset]
* auto exec: demoTakerDieRound.cfg if demo taker is also a player and dies during a Clan arena or CTFS round
* bug fix: crash parsing spawn variables with cpma demos
* cg_soundPvs (1: for ql demo protocol >= 91 which sends extra sound information only play sounds in potentially visible set, 2: restrict sounds to pvs for all demos, 3: for debugging, restrict sounds to pvs and print skipped sounds)
* bug fix: cpma sound don't use lerp origin
* cg_soundBuffer (0: disabled buffered sounds, 1: enable buffered sounds)
* bug fix: model check during demo parsing using incorrect config string value
* cg_drawFlagCarrierSize icon size
* "smscores" server command
* cg_debugServerCommands (0 (default): only print message for unknown commands, 1: print all commands and arguments, 2: only print message and arguments for unknown commands)
* bug fix: missing cpma ca round status messages
* bug fix: missing cpma autoexecs for ca round start and end
* cpma update round alive status in ca scoreboard
* bug fix: alive status missing in 'Attack and Defend' scoreboard
* bug fix: remove 'unknown config string: 690' warning
* bug fix: self demo taker icon didn't use cg_drawSelf[Min|Max]Width
* cg_drawSelfIconStyle (0: use same icon regardless of team, 1: use diamond icon for enemy)
11.4 2016-10-05
* bug fix: cpma round seeking would skip 2 rounds instead of 1 after round starts
* bug fix: demoTakerDieRound.cfg didn't work with cpma ca demos
* show real map file name in info screen
* bug fix: scoreboard handicap display didn't check server starting health
* bug fix: cg_drawBBox wasn't showing box for demo pov
* bug fix: area chat was over drawn (making it bolder) when following other players and scores shown
* cg_drawTeamOverlayMaxPlayers -1 (default) shows an unlimited number of players in team players. A value greater than or equal to 0 sets the maximum number of players shown. Note that the maximum number of players shown is also limited by the demo protocol. Only quake live protocol 91 or greater can show more than 8.
* faster team overlay updates for protocol 91 demos
* team overlay works with spectator demos and protocol 91
* bug fix: area chat was over drawn in clan arena when scores shown and dead spec view was free floating
* bug fix: /follow player name drawn over scoreboard
* cg_selfOnTeamOverlay same as quakelive
* /loadmenu [menu file] added to documentation. This can be used to test/debug a menu file directly.
* cg_drawKeyPress to enable drawing player key press information. Also added WCG_PLAYER_KEY_PRESS_[FORWARD|BACK|RIGHT|LEFT|FIRE|JUMP|CROUCH] hud ownerdraws. See ui/wckeypress.menu for an example. '/loadmenu ui/wckeypress.menu' to test.
Note that demos don't record key press information. Demos do record movement direction which can be used to extract some of the values. 'right', 'left', and 'back' can be accurately extracted from the movement direction but 'forward' is an estimate based on the player's velocity.
* bug fix: cpma round seeking would skip 2 rounds instead of 1 after round starts
* bug fix: demoTakerDieRound.cfg didn't work with cpma ca demos
* show real map file name in info screen
* bug fix: scoreboard handicap display didn't check server starting health
* bug fix: cg_drawBBox wasn't showing box for demo pov
* bug fix: area chat was over drawn (making it bolder) when following other players and scores shown
* cg_drawTeamOverlayMaxPlayers -1 (default) shows an unlimited number of players in team players. A value greater than or equal to 0 sets the maximum number of players shown. Note that the maximum number of players shown is also limited by the demo protocol. Only quake live protocol 91 or greater can show more than 8.
* faster team overlay updates for protocol 91 demos
* team overlay works with spectator demos and protocol 91
* bug fix: area chat was over drawn in clan arena when scores shown and dead spec view was free floating
* bug fix: /follow player name drawn over scoreboard
* cg_selfOnTeamOverlay same as quakelive
* /loadmenu [menu file] added to documentation. This can be used to test/debug a menu file directly.
* cg_drawKeyPress to enable drawing player key press information. Also added WCG_PLAYER_KEY_PRESS_[FORWARD|BACK|RIGHT|LEFT|FIRE|JUMP|CROUCH] hud ownerdraws. See ui/wckeypress.menu for an example. '/loadmenu ui/wckeypress.menu' to test.
Note that demos don't record key press information. Demos do record movement direction which can be used to extract some of the values. 'right', 'left', and 'back' can be accurately extracted from the movement direction but 'forward' is an estimate based on the player's velocity.
11.5 2017-03-26
* bug fix: check bounds for sortedTeamPlayers
* Windows binary allows more memory usage
* bug fix: screen would become white with bloom and 3d hud icons
* video option: 'name :demoname' will use the current demo filename as the video file basename
* bug fix: sound mixer crash using /stopvideo
* cl_aviFrameRateDivider integer value that will force rendering at cl_aviFrameRate * blur frames * value and drop frames so that final output still has a rate equal to cl_aviFrameRate. Values less than 2 are ignored.
* ioquake3 fixes
* bug fix: check bounds for sortedTeamPlayers
* Windows binary allows more memory usage
* bug fix: screen would become white with bloom and 3d hud icons
* video option: 'name :demoname' will use the current demo filename as the video file basename
* bug fix: sound mixer crash using /stopvideo
* cl_aviFrameRateDivider integer value that will force rendering at cl_aviFrameRate * blur frames * value and drop frames so that final output still has a rate equal to cl_aviFrameRate. Values less than 2 are ignored.
* ioquake3 fixes
11.6 2017-03-29
* bug fix: /seekclock incorrectly calculating timeouts
* stricter checking if hardware supports non power of two textures
* ioquake3 fixes
* bug fix: invalid check for empty filename when testing that a file exists
* bug fix: /seekclock incorrectly calculating timeouts
* stricter checking if hardware supports non power of two textures
* ioquake3 fixes
* bug fix: invalid check for empty filename when testing that a file exists
11.7 2017-06-07
* windows: automatically disable screen blanking (re-enable with SDL_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER environement variable)
* ioquake3 fixes
* bug fix: invalid invulnerability sphere would appear after rewinding (em92 Eugene Molotov)
* bug fix: fragforward treated freeze tag thaws as kills (em92 Eugene Molotov)
* bug fix: freecam spec mode shows own corpse in 'Attack and Defend' / CTFS (em92 Eugene Molotov)
* bug fix: don't draw sprites for dead players (em92 Eugene Molotov)
* cg_drawSpritesDeadPlayers controls drawing sprites for dead players
* update to libfreetype 2.8 (security update)
* r_centerWindow default changed to 1
* cg_useScoresUpdateTeam hack for ql/minqlx bug not updating player config strings correctly. Players can be shown on the wrong team and this will update the player teams from the score commands.
* draw player entities even if their config string shows them as spectators. This is also a work around for ql/minqlx bug not updating player config strings correctly. (em92 Eugene Molotov)
* Mac OS X build uses clang
* windows: automatically disable screen blanking (re-enable with SDL_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER environement variable)
* ioquake3 fixes
* bug fix: invalid invulnerability sphere would appear after rewinding (em92 Eugene Molotov)
* bug fix: fragforward treated freeze tag thaws as kills (em92 Eugene Molotov)
* bug fix: freecam spec mode shows own corpse in 'Attack and Defend' / CTFS (em92 Eugene Molotov)
* bug fix: don't draw sprites for dead players (em92 Eugene Molotov)
* cg_drawSpritesDeadPlayers controls drawing sprites for dead players
* update to libfreetype 2.8 (security update)
* r_centerWindow default changed to 1
* cg_useScoresUpdateTeam hack for ql/minqlx bug not updating player config strings correctly. Players can be shown on the wrong team and this will update the player teams from the score commands.
* draw player entities even if their config string shows them as spectators. This is also a work around for ql/minqlx bug not updating player config strings correctly. (em92 Eugene Molotov)
* Mac OS X build uses clang
Edited by brugal at 05:33 CDT, 7 June 2017 - 110576 Hits