So how much longer till all of the 70 Quake players on ESR cries about OW being the new "it" game, supported by a company that actually makes good games and cares about maintaining their games over time?
Sorry Quakebros, you're living in the past and Quake will simply never be relevant again, unless a new version is made, which is questionable at this point. QL/3 is a good game, but everyone is going over to OW, you should stop living in 2001 and come join
You are the one crying in every thread, why so much interest in all 70 ql players going to OW? Stop wasting your time in this site thats stuck in the past! Bye!!!
Btw i dont need to play the last flashy skill caped game to feel cool, youre the one showing traits of insecurity issues : )
Like watching tdm or ctf. Will get easier when we know the maps better. A big plus is that OW games always has a clear objective. It will also take time for casters/analysts to find style fitting the game.
Personally i don't really enjoy watching that much, i rather watch dota2 even if i am really bad at it.
WolfcamQL has much bigger dev team, much better animated shorts/ promotional videos, player base, tournaments etc but still no sub forum! Come on admins