Well, its was really long time ago. Like one of the first zotac or g-data or some other online cup i dont remember. But its doest really matter, i just mean it was really long time ago. Its not like i was looking for challenge in duels and had a thoughts to beat everyone. No, nothing like that. Its just like, you know, everyone is going to play tournament, so yeah me too. Public or tournament whatever. On that moment of time i was like really really new. Probably i doest even had proper devices to play. But, its doest matter. i just mean its not like i was ready to beat everyone and someone stopped me. NO, but situation thats happened was really obnoxiously (i cant even spell this word). Even now, after all the time i spen with people who speak english, i am still really bad in it. And back in a day it was x1000 times worst. Like now i can insult anyone without using transator or just make some simple phrase, now its ok for me. But back in a days i wasnt able to read anyting or write anything without translator. I wasnt ready to any converation in english at all.
But i decide to participate in one of online tournaments. Maybe it was my first time i am not sure. All the shit like sign up in irc and picking a server with your opponent's i done it all right. Didnt fail, noone was waiting for me. Yeah, i was good. So my enemy was Guard i guess. I am really not sure but cant remember any other nick name so its supposed to be Guard if i remember his nickname. I am calling it logika. So, he was really friendly at the beggining. He asked me which map i like to play. And i said that i like to play bloodrun. Then he asked me if i like to play vertical vengance. And i said that i wont play vertical vengance. So we started picking a maps. I dont remember what map we got after the pick. Maybe it was something like Battleforged or even Bloodrun doest matter it wasnt vertical vengance. Because yes i remove it. But Guard said, No we not gonna play map that we just pick we gonna play vertical vengance or we gonna pick maps again. And i am like what the fuck is this. I was really confused with this shit. And i obviously refuse to pick maps again or just play vertical vengance. Because fuck you, I am a fucking nice guy, but not when you doing shit like that. Well Guard call an admin to solve our "problem". You know all this problems about which map we should play after we pick a map, ohh so tupical...
I mean it was really hard to translate all this this back and forth. I mean i cant just copy text from console and paste intro tranlator. I have to read the text then switch to translator then type the text by myself and only after this it can be traslated. And if i wish to tell something i also need type text then tralsate then switch to quake and type in console what i got in translator. Yeah i know its my problem. I just mean its takes alot of time.
So. the admin was xou. I cant say anything about this guy. I mean this situation was only sigle time when we met. So defenetly i cant say anything good about this guy. But also i am not judging people by single action. So yeah. This part of storry is most messy. Because when xou comes to the server Guard start talking to him something, alot of text and only thing that i manage to translate is that he said i refuse to picking maps. So i have no idea what they was talking about. And after i realise that i can't translat all this shit i decided to just introduce my side of this situation. But it was too late. When i was trying to make a text in transator i got blinking irc window and yeah i was kicked from turnament banned from channel...
Yeah it's ridiculous how is shitty people are. Guard start doing his shit for no reason. I mean OK you wish to play vertical vengance. So please call your fucking friends and play your fucking vertical vengance with your fucking friends. There is on reason to singup for turnament and asking your opponent to play map you like to play. And especially stupid to act likea bitch after your lovely map was removed. And this xou guy he just belive to all the bullshit guard said to him. OK you gonna say he had no choice coz only guard was speaking. yeah but he didnt spend even 5 minute. he just hop intro the server start speaking with guard and then boom i am kicked. Instantly. So fucking disgusting.
Yeah, this is my real super power. If retard exist anywhere in ql i will meet this bitch he will not escape from me. So, i if you have a doubt about someone retarded or not just ask me i am expert in such things.
But i decide to participate in one of online tournaments. Maybe it was my first time i am not sure. All the shit like sign up in irc and picking a server with your opponent's i done it all right. Didnt fail, noone was waiting for me. Yeah, i was good. So my enemy was Guard i guess. I am really not sure but cant remember any other nick name so its supposed to be Guard if i remember his nickname. I am calling it logika. So, he was really friendly at the beggining. He asked me which map i like to play. And i said that i like to play bloodrun. Then he asked me if i like to play vertical vengance. And i said that i wont play vertical vengance. So we started picking a maps. I dont remember what map we got after the pick. Maybe it was something like Battleforged or even Bloodrun doest matter it wasnt vertical vengance. Because yes i remove it. But Guard said, No we not gonna play map that we just pick we gonna play vertical vengance or we gonna pick maps again. And i am like what the fuck is this. I was really confused with this shit. And i obviously refuse to pick maps again or just play vertical vengance. Because fuck you, I am a fucking nice guy, but not when you doing shit like that. Well Guard call an admin to solve our "problem". You know all this problems about which map we should play after we pick a map, ohh so tupical...
I mean it was really hard to translate all this this back and forth. I mean i cant just copy text from console and paste intro tranlator. I have to read the text then switch to translator then type the text by myself and only after this it can be traslated. And if i wish to tell something i also need type text then tralsate then switch to quake and type in console what i got in translator. Yeah i know its my problem. I just mean its takes alot of time.
So. the admin was xou. I cant say anything about this guy. I mean this situation was only sigle time when we met. So defenetly i cant say anything good about this guy. But also i am not judging people by single action. So yeah. This part of storry is most messy. Because when xou comes to the server Guard start talking to him something, alot of text and only thing that i manage to translate is that he said i refuse to picking maps. So i have no idea what they was talking about. And after i realise that i can't translat all this shit i decided to just introduce my side of this situation. But it was too late. When i was trying to make a text in transator i got blinking irc window and yeah i was kicked from turnament banned from channel...
Yeah it's ridiculous how is shitty people are. Guard start doing his shit for no reason. I mean OK you wish to play vertical vengance. So please call your fucking friends and play your fucking vertical vengance with your fucking friends. There is on reason to singup for turnament and asking your opponent to play map you like to play. And especially stupid to act likea bitch after your lovely map was removed. And this xou guy he just belive to all the bullshit guard said to him. OK you gonna say he had no choice coz only guard was speaking. yeah but he didnt spend even 5 minute. he just hop intro the server start speaking with guard and then boom i am kicked. Instantly. So fucking disgusting.
Yeah, this is my real super power. If retard exist anywhere in ql i will meet this bitch he will not escape from me. So, i if you have a doubt about someone retarded or not just ask me i am expert in such things.
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