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Edited by hanslolo at 17:33 CDT, 13 June 2016 - 364917 Hits
what else is out there for us to play anyway?
New multiplayer-centric Quake is quite possible, but I think it will be rather different to what ESR demographic expects.http://esreality.com/post/2817144/re-quake-ma...pid2817144
Ironically, I think decision makers at id are now faced with a hard dilemma. If they make the new Quake as Q3 reboot with better visuals, they're risking not getting enough newcomers to make it sustainable in the long run and therefore commercially feasible. If they make it as a new multiplayer experience with Quake franchise on top (let's say Overwatch-inspired class-based FFA-centric shooter), they're risking to get a huge backlash from old school fans.
They're basically between sledge and hammer at the moment, so I'm quite curious what they'll come up with. May be entirely new IP?
And PC-only! I'm fucking hyped. How many AAA PC exclusive FPS are released today?
can't wait to laugh my fucking ass off as soon as half you whiny bitches see cooller and cypher play the new quake and immediately stop spewing shit and pay up.
new models, classes, whatever it is that WASN'T there before is exactly the chance it needs to become big. you milked the year 2000 enough, that's finally over.
stop talking shit and have some fucking faith. act like you actually deserve a new quake. worst fucking community ever.
Wouldnt that be awesum tho ?
A class based system still has the ability to do the same, just not with the same amount of freedom and creativity, if implemented very intelligently, but it will be like walking a tight rope trying to get it right. Making certain abilities not too overpowered, and others underpowered, when you have 10-15 different classes in the game makes it very difficult to create a level playing field in a true competitive environment. What usually ends up happening is a certain handful of classes will always get picked in competitive tournaments because they are the best at the time, pending nerfs etc.
The most important challenge for this new Quake game is going to be how they walk the tight rope when it comes to creating a big enough skill ceiling to make esports meaningful but also creating a fun and exciting experience for new players and casual players.
What is funny, that many of the same people are/were playing CA gametype and in the same time they were considering it as an "Quake game". Just lol
I suggested no checkpoints already. From what i saw with Noctis dying here and there on Ultra, it would be almost impossible to make it if you respawn every time on the very first spawn of the game.
a new generation of Quake and players is going to be spawned
bright white with monkey head
Is it what we wanted? no.
Can't tell you how much it would mean to casual players if anyone could replay or share an air rocket you did no matter what your skill level is. Or double/tripple rails etc.
he pulled a few excellent shotsDo you mean air rockets? :o