I think someone mentioned there is a talented coder doing the bots on Doom so not sure if this is possible but...
Basically there have been many great players over the years in Quake, I would love to see these names we all remember having classic matches online and at major tournaments.
I think it would be a nice gesture to the community and these players to add bots to Quake Champions so we can play offline against these players. This would only work if they can analyse the demos of players such as Rapha, toxjq, evil, cypher, k1llsen, fazz, cooller, dahang, spart1e, l1nkin, stermy, Id_, zero4, agent, etc and make the bot play with their characteristics of each player like good timing or good aim or good movement etc
Who are your top 10 Quake players? And what are there characteristics as a Quake Player.
I know they are saying that during development they want to involve the top players in developing Quake Champions and I think this is a good way to repay them back plus it means practising duel offline would be fun albeit scary :))
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