He played with italian superstar

First of all, I know him for a long time now, and I've seen him improve again and again over the years. He's playing Quake Live only. He's a very dedicated player, and a true Quake player, just as I like them. 100% Quake, 0% other game(s). I just love this kind of mentality. He didn't even jump in the OW bandwagon, he doesn't even care about the OW hype. Like I said, a true Quaker.
Some years ago, he was far from the best, he was still more than decent, but not the hardest player to play against, that's for sure. He could lose to quite a lot of players, he was still good, but didn't have that special stuff that makes a player above everyone.
But that's not the case anymore.
Quite recently, he bought a mechanical keyboard and he's playing with the logitech g300s. For sure, these gears improved both his aim and his dodges. But ofc the gears don't make the player, so if he's now better than ever, that's mainly because of dedication and practicing against and with the best CA players.
Recently I played him serveral times, it was pretty even, if he were onfire he would beat me, if I were focused I would beat him.
But tonight I played him again, and I felt his true potential, power and effectiveness.
We played 2v2's, I was always against him, we played almost LG only, because he is, just like me, a LG-heavy player. We both have LG as our favorite weapon. And we both have the goal to become the best LG players in EU.
And guess what ? He won 6-7 maps to 2 or something, he had best dmgs and accuracy against me.
It didn't feel like when I used to play against

After our games, I asked him if he already played

When you play against him, you can really feel that something is special, because, unlike some aim-whores, his dodges are also very good. The way he's playing is very ballzy and effective. He doesn't play like a bitch by switching to rockets etc... When he loses a shaft battle, he keeps trying until he wins. I like this kind of mentality.
Talking about mentality,

For all these reasons I declare him to be the new king of 2v2 CA. If you meet him on a server, remember, he's the king :). He deserves to be respected for both his mentality and combat-skills.
People need to know more about him, because he's a very interesting player.
Thank you if you read it all :)
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