Tournament on Saturday 9th July at 1:30pm AEST! (Checkin 30 minutes before)
QuakeCon is rapidly approaching, so in preparation I will be running a series of cups on the weekends leading up the event. In future competitions I will be accepting donations for a prizepool, to give people even more reason to practice hard and play their best!
I will be running cups in both

Australia and

North America, so please keep your eyes peeled for more news.
Double Elimination duel - you have to lose twice to be eliminated.
Please check the bracket on the day for how many maps to play in each series (best of 1, best of 3)
Grand final is a standard match, the UB winner has no advantage
5 maps, bans before picks.
Blood Run
Furious Heights
This is the QuakeCon pool minus two less popular maps
Players must sign up on Challonge!
If you need to go do something let me know. If you can't be contacted for 10 minutes you will be forfeited.
Players are encouraged to join a Discord chat (you can do this in browser without making an account) on the day to make sure they can be contacted easily.
Games will be played on the server with the lowest ping difference, unless otherwise stated by an admin (me). Ask if you have any concerns on the day.
Checkins open 30 minutes before the comp, you are required to check in.
Be nice, be a good sport, etc.
More Aussie competitions on the 17th and 24th. NA duel will likely be on the 31st!
Links: Brackets,
4sg Discord
Stream: (TBA, please get in touch if you want to stream!)