Both I hold to zoom for rail and toggle zoom on lg/mg. I wrote a script that automatically zooms out when i change weapons from a toggled zoom. Ik i coukd have just changed fov but there is a diff sens on zoomfov that i got used to.
Wow, Tom Cruise is asking us QL players a question. I thought you're too busy with family and riding your super fast bike near the river during the sunset?
r = move left
h = move right
t = move forward
g = move backward
that way my fingers are put on the keyboard with a more natural position, it feels much more comfortable and "natural" for my fingers position than "W A S D" and.... I have even more keys available for my little finger or other fingers, cause i'm almost exactly at the middle of the keyboard (i mean my hand's position). My little finger is naturally put on "S" by default (bind for rocket launcher), and i can still press A (bind for crouch (+movedown)) or X (bind for plasmagun) or Z (bind for walking silently) or even W (bind for HMG) by moving my pinky a little.
// Heartless QuakeLive config. Cleaned up thanks to Lorfa.
// Razer Abyssus 2014. 1800dpi 1000hz.
// Movements binds
bind g "+back"
bind t "+forward"
bind h "+moveright"
bind r "+moveleft"
bind z "+speed" // = "w" in azerty keyboard
bind a "+movedown" // = "q" in azerty keyboard
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
// Weapons binds
bind 4 "weapon 1"
bind e "weapon 2"
bind n "weapon 3"
bind j "weapon 4"
bind s "weapon 5"
bind y "weapon 6"
bind u "weapon 7"
bind x "weapon 8"
bind w "weapon 14" // = "z" in azerty keyboard
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"
// Plus binds
bind TAB "+scores"
bind 6 "+scores"
bind SPACE "+zoom"
bind 3 "+chat"
bind i "+acc"
bind 2 "+voice"
bind MOUSE3 "+button2"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
// Remaining binds
bind ENTER "messagemode"
bind BACKSPACE "messagemode2"
bind 7 "dropweapon"
bind 8 "dropflag"
bind b "droppowerup"
bind p "kill"
bind UPARROW "disconnect"
bind DOWNARROW "quit"
bind LEFTARROW "vid_restart"
bind k "say ^1=^4]"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F3 "readyup"
bind F4 "screenshotjpeg"
AZERTY keyboard, not QWERTY, because i'm from France :) (so replace A with Q and Z with W)
I don't really use it but I have that :
bind MWHEELDOWN "cvaradd cg_zoomfov 5"
bind MWHEELUP "cvaradd cg_zoomfov -5"
bind MOUSE2 "+zoom;cg_zoomfov 22.5"