1st prize: 20€ (further donations welcome)
Date and time:
Number of entrants: 16 (or more)
Sign-up: in this thread, link to your qlstats.net profile
IRC channel: #dm17
Server hosts: 1 at the moment (Frankfurt, Germany), PM me if you can host too.
Top, high, mid and low seeds will be determined by glicko. The seeds will then be randomly distributed into the 4 Group Stage groups.
Group Stage:
Four groups of four players each. All vs all in best of one. The two best of each group go to the quarter in the Cup Stage.
Maps played:
- q3dm17/longestyard cointoss unless both players agree to the same map
Cup Stage:
Bo3 in quarter/semi/final with Bo1 for 3rd place between semifinal losers
Maps played:
- q3dm17
- longestyard
- longestyard with q3dm17 MG ammo position
Custom server settings:
- Shotgun & railgun disabled:
put dm17cup.pk3 inside steamcmd/steamapps/common/qlds/baseq3 folder, set sv_altEntDir "no_sg_rg" - this will remove SG/RG & SG/RG ammo on q3dm17/longestyard. This pk3 is also necessary to change the MG ammo position in longestyard via dm17cup.py (cv oldmg on/off).
- Minimum respawn delay on /kill 1.8s:
via the same minqlx plugin above, useful when falling into the abyss (default Q3 delay instead of 3s in QL).
Practice servers: - q3dm17 1v1 only (Frankfurt, Germany) - Virtual Cattleground - DM17.com (Germany)
1. x0rnn
2. Smofo
3. s7ry
4. drejk
5. mira
6. dazz
7. W1co
8. feeder
9. sno
10. Hagge
11. oper_ru
inb4 "just give the money to Maximzr"
Edited by x0rnn at 10:14 CDT, 20 August 2016 - 40535 Hits