The America Reflex community is thirsty for blood. Full of love and full of trash talk - let's see if we can get some action packed entertainment on a weekly basis from the Americans eh?
Prizes based on player contributions and donations
Donate Here!
DATE: Saturday - August 27, 2016
TIME: 10:00 Mountain/Las Angelas Time // 13:00 Eastern
Round 1 10:00
Round 2 11:00
Round 3 12:00
GAMETYPE: Duel 1v1
SLOTS: No limit
FORMAT: Double Elimination 10 minute games best of 3 with 2 minute overtimes
SIGNUP HERE: http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/biUOBmgj67
BRACKETS HERE: http://challonge.com/reflexAugust27
The Catalyst
Pocket Infinity
Flex Lab
Blood Run
General Rules:
Default duel mode currently in the game using the competitive ruleset (no item timers).
Unsporting behavior may be penalized.
Any attempt to bypass the ruleset will result in disqualification from the cup.
Be autonomous, contact your opponent, play your match, report the score on the Challonge webpage.
Map Picking system :
Coin toss determines who is Player 1 and Player 2. Seeds will determine the Player order in future King of America events.
Player 1 picks a map from the Map Pool,
Player 2 picks a different map from the Map Pool,
if a 3rd map is required, Player 2 drops a map from the remaining Pool, then Player 1, then Player 2, then Player 1, and the last map left is the decider.
Servers/non American players :
No unauthorized spectators will be allowed on the servers
Any server can be used as long as both opponents agree. Fairness first, if fighting outside of America - players will agree or American soil trumps the unreasonable, however - the American dueler must choose a server that is most fair for their opponent. America includes North America, South America and Latin America.
Admins :
Kev!, Kylph0rd
The King of America cups will be using a variety of maps each week. So if you are upset about Blood Run or anything else being in the Map Pool... well.... maybe it won't be a map next week?
Edited by Frenly at 11:44 CDT, 25 August 2016 - 11447 Hits