Ok, so, one of my QL friend suggested this little exercice against "custom" bot to warm up your LG with mouse-aim only.
1°) First, go to "Start A Match" then select "Clan Arena" as gametype on any map, then while in-game type these commands :
/devmap drunkenmummy
/g_knockback 0
/g_infiniteammo 1
/g_startinghealth 999
/g_startingarmor 999
/bot_thinktime 0
/addbot slash 5
2°) Then position yourself there on the map (right in the corner) : http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/251933positionDrunkenm.jpg and DON'T move, wait for the bot to come at you.
3°) Then when he's at the right range, use the LG ONLY, with mouse-aim ONLY.
Do it up until 10 frags. Check your accuracy afterwards; tell us your accuracy in a reply to this thread.
I personally CAN'T go above 62%, which is my personal record. No matter how hard I try, I don't seem to be able to beat 62% (even when warmed up).
I'm curious to see what kind of accuracies you can achieve, you guys. I guess that my record isn't that hard to beat and I presume that some people can reach 65%+.
Let's see :)
1°) First, go to "Start A Match" then select "Clan Arena" as gametype on any map, then while in-game type these commands :
/devmap drunkenmummy
/g_knockback 0
/g_infiniteammo 1
/g_startinghealth 999
/g_startingarmor 999
/bot_thinktime 0
/addbot slash 5
2°) Then position yourself there on the map (right in the corner) : http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/251933positionDrunkenm.jpg and DON'T move, wait for the bot to come at you.
3°) Then when he's at the right range, use the LG ONLY, with mouse-aim ONLY.
Do it up until 10 frags. Check your accuracy afterwards; tell us your accuracy in a reply to this thread.
I personally CAN'T go above 62%, which is my personal record. No matter how hard I try, I don't seem to be able to beat 62% (even when warmed up).
I'm curious to see what kind of accuracies you can achieve, you guys. I guess that my record isn't that hard to beat and I presume that some people can reach 65%+.
Let's see :)
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 19:38 CDT, 29 September 2016 - 51517 Hits